Boook Talk Review; The Edge of Always

The second book in Camryn and Andrew's story.

When everything falls apart, love remains . . .

Camryn Bennett has never been happier. Five months after meeting on a Greyhound bus, she and her soul mate Andrew Parrish are engaged-and a wedding isn't the only special event in their future. Nervous but excited, Camryn can't wait to begin the rest of her life with Andrew, a man she knows in her heart will love her always. They have so much to look forward to-until tragedy blindsides them.

Andrew doesn't understand how this could happen to them. He's trying to move on, and thought Camryn was doing the same. But when Andrew discovers Camryn is secretly harboring a mountain of pain and attempting to numb it in damaging ways, there is nothing he won't do to bring her back to life. Determined to prove that their love can survive anything, Andrew decides to take Camryn on a new journey filled with hope and passion. If only he can convince her to come along for the ride...
  This book touches your heart in ways that the other didn't, this book takes you beyond where The Edge of Never leaves off and lets you continue on the journey of Camryn and Andrew. 
 This book takes a beautiful story of love and happiness and opening yourself up to new things and living in the moment experiences and leaves you breathless. It makes you feel for the characters and it opens up new light.
  It breaks you and it makes you and it shows that love really does conquer all. 
 Camrynn and Andrew start off happy, they are engaged to be married, they have a baby on the way and life is perfect, but everyone knows that perfect is just life sugar-coated. 
 When life stops being perfect, it comes crashing down around them.

 Andrew is left picking up the pieces as Camryn tries to pretend that she is okay and happy. 

 Andrew is as loving and as caring as he was in the first book. His love for Camryn is endless and he will fight for what he loves no matter what the cost.

 Camryn is hurting bad and my heart goes out for her. She is afraid and she is hurting and she doesn't know what to she tries to numb the pain.

 When Andrew found out about what Camryn was doing I couldn't hold back my tears anymore I jsut started crying and crying and I felt so much pain and love for both of them.

 What Andrew did was the right thing, he was determined to help Camryn and he did it in the only way he knew how... back in the road where it all began.

 They had fun times again and they had a wake up call that they needed. 

 They realized that you couldn't really repeat the past, just make new memories and live through them.

 I loved this book and it was so perfect for them I think it ended at a perfect place and the epilogue was perfect to end this story.

If you missed the Book Talk on The Edge of Never go here:


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