Book Talk Review; Always Been Mine

 The Moreno Brothers book 2 Always Been Mine, If you loved Angel Moreno in Forever Mine, Be Prepared to fall hopelessly in love and affection with the hot sexy and totally alpha male Alex Moreno...

 After one heartache too many, Valerie Zuniga vows to never let Alex Moreno hurt her again. A year later, she is forced to reunite with him at a party where one unexpected sizzling kiss tells her she's far from over him. No way will she allow herself to get sucked back into that torment. She'll resist him even if that means using the one thing that'll stop Alex dead in his tracks: another man.

 Alex is coming off one of the worst years of his life. He spent so much time wallowing in self-pity, he never realized how much he'd missed Valerie. That is, until that kiss. Now, he's determined to get her back one way or another, and no other man will stand in his way. Especially after discovering that Valerie may be in danger, a danger he blames himself for.

 ADULT contemporary romance
 Wow. That pretty much sums up my thought process when I think of Alex Moreno, we see him a little in Forever Mine, he is Angle's older Brother, and we also see a little about the relationship that he has with Valerie.
 But we really don't know anything besides that. We don't see how sweet and caring and kinda Alex really is especially with Valerie, and we don't really see that much who he really is, besides just a very big very handsome alpha male. 
 They are complete opposites, Valerie is this cute small petite little thing, and Alex is this huge tough buff guy. 
 They fit together so well that it works. And we all know that all the Morenos are sexy and good-looking, and have you seen this cover? If that is what the real Alex Moreno looks like hell yeah I don't blame Valerie for wanting him way back in high-school.
 After a on again, off again relationship, Valerie finally cuts Alex off for good and has no contact with him for a year. 
 Then at Angel and Sarah's Wedding Shower they are forced to come in contact... and come in contact they do, they end up sharing a amazing kiss. And realize they are so Not over each other.
That is where their blissful romance starts.
 Alex clears up What Really Happened the night that Valerie broke things off for good. 
 We also see other guys trying to get in Val's good graces... something that doesn't go over well with the protective Alex.

 If you thought that Angel was protective of Sarah in Forever Mine get ready to rethink that in Always Been Mine. Also Alex has a temper on him that falls into the whole Alpha male thing as well.

 Someone that Valerie came in contact with in the past year becomes dangerous and threatens her...

 There are scary parts in this book. There is one big scary part in the book and everyone, the reader, the characters are all affected by it. My heart literally stopped and I was l freaking out...

Alex and Valerie are great together and it is like they were meant to be together. I talk about them as if they are real people because to me as a reader they are, they take on this life inside me and I can only imagine what Elizabeth feels when she writes these characters that we love.

 This is an Adult Contemporary Romance so take note with younger audiences because there are situations that are deemed inappropriate  for them 

 I love this series and Can't wait until I get my hands on Forever Yours (1.5) Angel and Sarah's college years.

I'll see Ya'll Thursday for Sweet Sofie Book Talk

*Notice- Because of the schedule change and the fact that I only do Book Talks three days a week now, and that I have read 11 out of Elizabeth's 12 books it will take up more time than usual to do them... but thats okay because Elizabeth is awesome and her books need to be appreciated! <3


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