Book Talk Review; Release

 The third book in the Protector Series... Just keeps on getting Hotter...

 After uniting the shifters and calling in reinforcements, Chase has to face his toughest challenge yet: learning to control his emotions. But as tensions rise and his powers grow, controlling his emotions becomes the least of his problems.

 Terrorized by a multi-shifter who is hell-bent on turning him, Chase questions just how far he’s willing to go to stop his father. Meanwhile, Tiki’s virtuous nature has placed him in the middle of Vincent’s past, leaving Chase to oppose a senate of vampires and defend a demon he hates.

 Trying to balance his friends, his enemies, and his inner demons, Chase is left searching for answers about the Mark, his destiny, and where he can find the next soul piece. Stopping Riley is his top priority, but as more obstacles arise, he finds himself doubting all the decisions he’s made - especially regarding Rayna.

 One thing is for certain: Chase has finally realized that he doesn’t know anything. The light doesn’t always quell the darkness, the monsters don’t always stay in the shadows, and the past doesn’t always stay in the past - sometimes, the demons inside are the hardest to fight.
 Just from the Synopsis here you can get the feeling of all the emotions and all of the fight that is in this book.
 Chase goes through a lot in this series and  Release is a book that puts him through more and more. It gears you up for what happens in Endure but it also makes you go, How much more can these characters take before they break completely? 

 And the answer is a lot. Chase finds out more about the Mark and the Destiny that was bestowed upon him, he has been given answers but he has also been given more questions.

 We as readers are given more questions and it is purely amazing to see just how far these charcters have come in such a short amount of time. 

 This series is spanned over not a very long period of time and these characters that I have fallen in love with are put through the wringer time and time again.

 Rayna finds out just what kind of witch she is and Chase learns more about the Mark and what is gifted with it and what is not, what he has to find on his own.

 Chase's friends all stand by him and do what is right even when they know the risk. 

 Riley is one twisted Bastard and he believes he holds all the power in this...oh how wrong we find out that he is. 

 Matt introduces more characters, more enemies, more danger, more truths, more secrets, and more revealing things on just what is in store for these characters on their long hard journey.

 Okay so I am a big sucker for romance, and you can find a little of that in these books as well.

 Chase and Rayna. They just fit together in my opinion and even through all of this that they are going through, they are doing it together. They are leaning more and more on each other, and I think it was clear in the fist book that they had this mutual dislike for each other, but there was also this underlying of respect and caring and fascination. They are undeniably attracted to one and other even if it is not seen right away.

 They go from friends to more and they need each other...

 Here is a quote from Chase that I love Proving that...

 *Quote- "She had the ability to pull my magic out of me, even when I wanted to contain it. I didn't know if that was the witch inside her, the hunter, or something else altogether. She could calm me when I was angry, and when I was surrounded by darkness, she showed me light. Rayna was it for me. What started out as friendship had turned into something more. I didn't know what, but I jnew I was going to fight like hell to find out." - Chase Williams

  Love. Chase is in love with Rayna... I think that in Shift it opened the possibility and what I got form that brief moment in Shift between them is that they were starting to realize that they felt more for each other. 

 This book made me cry...

 This book broke my heart... 

 This book is awesome and emotional and great... This book does show the bad sides of war
 This book does have deaths and it does make you rethink somethings.

 And we ran out of time tonight for the When It Rains Book Talk...
 Which of course we get three Book Talks Tomorrow...since it is friday we will be able to pull it off.
 I am sorry for jerking the schedule around so much I hate not being able to do what I want when I want to.
 I will try to work with the new schedule I set and try not to run into this problem that often, But sometimes it is possible this Book Talk took about forty minutes to write, which is twenty more than I wanted to spend.
 I have to try to manage my time better because I have signed up to participate in a few blog tours starting late February and into March so I plan on being very busy... More details to come on that later.



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