Book Talk Review; Devastation

 It's Thursday, that means It's time for another Book Talk. That also means Release day for B.C. Burgess Author of The Mystic Series. Destruction and Devastation; Books 5&6 Release today! I had the pleasure of reading them early, now I get the pleasure of Reviewing Devastation; Book 6


 Torn from the man she loves, Layla Callaway is in the clutches of the enemy, robbed of her freedom and stripped of her power. She’s determined to stay alive for her family, keeping hope in her heart for her hero, but when devastation strikes, her sanity takes a hit. 


 Quin Kavanagh lives for Layla. Now that she’s gone, he’s suffering a slow death. There is no limit to what he’d do to get her back, but the clock is ticking, and every direction he turns leads to a dead end. With lives on the line and hope slipping away, Quin puts his faith in two unlikely allies. But even if he gets Layla back, she won’t be the angel he remembers. 

 The Enemy 

 With Layla in captivity and their adversaries outnumbered, the Dark Guild holds the power, and they plan to use it to unleash hell on earth.

 I don't think I'm going to be able to get through this without crying. Just Reading the Blurb right now got me all teary eyed.  

 So we all know that Destruction was very destructive to our hearts. I know it was to mine. I was just one big sobbing mess. 

 After taking a much needed break for like an hour, I jumped right in. And the tears started once again. 

 I will admit and I am not Ashamed to say that I spent just about all of Devastation in tears. I couldn't help it, my emotions took over and The tears just wouldn't stop coming. 

 Bonnie completely ripped everything apart in this book and it hurt my heart for the characters. Quin is just put through the wringer.

 The amount of shit that has been thrown at him during this series doesn't even come close to having as great of a affect on him as what happens in this book and what happened in the last book. 

 To say my heart broke for him would be an understatement. The pain he was going through because Layla was in the hands of the Dark Guild just ripped right into my soul. It was so heartbreaking to watch him go through that. To see one of my favorite characters losing themselves like that was so hard. I applaud Bonnie on being able to write such a tough situation with the elegance that she does. 

 And Layla. I admire Layla's determination to try to do everything she could. For never giving up the hope that Quin was there for her. To making demands to the Bastards who kept her, all so she can stay alive and well for the family she was growing. 

 There is one point in this book, about 30% into Devastation that during my emotional turmoil I got pissed. Really pissed. The situation was so wrong and so horrible, I couldn't control my tears, and I was just like please no. I was pleading with the book, with Bonnie, not to let it happen. I was like haven't they been through enough? Let them not have to go through this. Please let Layla not have to do this. It was horrible.

 When that little bit of hope came around I clung to it, gasping for air as I prayed for everything to be okay. 

 When Quin gets his angel back, she not the same. She isn't even his angel for a while. She's lost in her own pain. 

 Every situation the characters find themselves in during this book will grab at your heartstrings. They will pull and pull and pull, until you think that just one more pull and you will be nothing more. 

 I can't accurately describe what these books made me feel. I can't tell you enough how amazing Bonnie is, and how much I crave for Book 7 already. 

 This book ends with another freaking Epilogue that again tears into you. After the last chapter ended I knew they weren't safe yet, I knew they still had a lot to work through, but they had a moment of piece after all that time. 

 And then I read the damned Epilogue. Bonnie is famous for these Epilogues that take the satisfied feeling you get after the last chapter ends and rips the feeling to shreds. 

 The Epilogue had me from eyes that were wet with happy relief tears, as in those moments my heart slowed a little and I was able to breathe a little easier. To having more tears run down my face and my heart sped up, and my breathing almost completely stopped again. Bonnie took that moment of satisfaction and ripped it all to hell. 

 I was just like in shock I think after that Epilogue, then I got mad again and then I got emotional again. 

 Really this series brings out both the worst and the best in my emotions and I loved every bit of it. 

 Bonnie is an amazing writer and these books dug deep inside me, While I experienced a lot of pain along side these characters, I also experienced the love of a freaking amazingly awesome series. 

 Happy Release Day Bonnie! 

 *Note- I received ARC Copies of Both Destruction and Devastation for an Honest Review

 *Quote- "Our lives are hard, but they're our lives. Not yours, not mine- ours, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I don't want a peaceful life unless you're in it." - Quin

 (It was so hard to find a quote that had all the emotion of the book with none of the spoilers. I like this one, it doesn't give anything away and you can still feel the emotion.) 

 If you would like to check out Bonnie's Author Talk or The Book Talks on Books 1-5 click the links below

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