Book Talk Review; The Game Changer

 The second book in the epic Game Series by the amazaballs author Jenn Sterling!

 Jack appeared at my door last night after six months of no communication wearing a Mets jersey and holding a dozen red roses. He told me he was sorry, that he loved me, and that he would earn my trust again. It took everything in me to not fall apart at the mere sight of him. I wanted to take him back into my life, but I needed to know that this time it would be forever...

 In J. Sterling's highly anticipated follow-up to her USA Today bestselling novel The Perfect Game, Jack and Cassie quickly realize that their new lifestyle can often be cruel and unforgiving. Their happiness is put to the test as the past is never truly far behind.
 How do you stay together when the world's trying to tear you apart? 
 Holy. Fucking. Shit. Yes, I am saying bad words. But really how could I not? This is Jenn Fucking Sterling's book about Jack Fucking Carter and Kitten.
 I'll admit, I was still kind of pissed off at Jack after TPG, But he Totally makes up for it in this one. Like seriously Y'all. I don' think I ever re-fell in love with a book character so hard and so fast before. 

 Jack is still a cocky asshole of course, but he is the sexiest cocky asshole ever. Like Ever. 

 Cassie is still the badass that I loved in TPG. She still puts up with the shit Jack throws at her. She still doesn't take any unacceptable shit from him. She is still one of my most loved female leads.

 Of course in true Jenn fashion she had to throw somethings in there that made me go seriously?!?

 And of course there couldn't be a book with out some wannabe drama. As in some wannabe Jack's bitchy wife drama. (She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named)

 And of course with Jack being the awesome pitcher that he is, there is some press drama, and some Baseball Wives drama. And some Jack drama and some Cassie drama. But other than that it's all good.

 Jack's bitchy mistake (Though I'm not even sure she deserves that title) Tries to of course interfere with J&C. The Paps of course eat it up and just love to throw Cassie through the mud. And of course it drives Jack almost insane. 

 Oh My God. Jack F'N Carter is more Sexy and Possessive than I remember. He makes my momentary hate seems misplaced. For the stuff he does in this book totally makes up for it and then some.

 I swear if y'all haven't read this one already then please go out now and get it. Please stop sitting here listening to me blabber on about Jack Carter and go read it for yourself. 
 *Quote- "People spend their lives searching for their one true love, their other half. I found mine in college, dancing in a fraternity house driveway. Lucky for me, she found me right back."- Jack Carter

               "What matters the most is who you love. Because when everything else is a distant memory, the people you love are all that's left. And love is the single most important thing we can do in our lives. Give it. Receive it. Teach others how to do it."- Gran

 This is one of my most favorite Series. Jenn is an awesome author and her writing is fantastic. Jack and Cassie's story is one of love and forgiveness. It is really a heart-touching read. One that I will love and o back to over and over.

 If you missed The Perfect Game's Book Talk or Jenn's Author Talk go here;


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