Book Talk Review; The Sweetest Game

 Nothing's better than starting off a new week than with Jack F'N Carter!

 I present to you the Third book in The Game Series by J Sterling, The Sweetest Game

 "It's one hell of a sledgehammer to the chest when your baseball career comes to an end. It's like you finally realize that baseball never loved you back. All the sleepless nights, the hours spent at the gym trying to stay fit, the conditioning, the training, the mental preparation, the holidays missed, the birthdays passed, the memories you didn't get to make with your family ... all for what? It's not like baseball lost any sleep over you. She didn't stay awake for nights on end, trying to figure out how to make you a better player. She didn't care. Baseball's a business. A sport. A game. And as much as my entire life has been wrapped up in it, it's time to let it go." - Jack Carter (Blurb from Amazon)

 This is the last Book in Jack and Cassie's story. I have never felt a loss of a great Series like I did when I read this book. I got it the night it came out... (Christmas) and stayed up all day until I finished it.

 Best Fucking Christmas Present to myself ever.

 I loved this book. But I cried, because there were moments that evoked tears, and just because I knew I was going to miss these characters so much.

 We also get what happens between Dean and Melissa in this book.

 Every moment between Jack and Cassie's life was awesome. And the whole thing had a feel good thing about it.

 We get to see Jack and Cassie's relationship bloom in their marriage. We see that hard times, the good times, and the sacrifices  that are made for Jack and his career.

 Of course there is a big moment where things get rocky, and it's hard to read. It was hard to see Jack&Kitten going through that, and my heart went out to them. Especially Cassie, when Jack was being a total dick. Though there were times when I couldn't really blame him. It still tore at my heart.

 We get the end of there story. A story that was wrapped up in love and forgiveness, a story that holds dear to my heart in every way. This series is an emotional roller-coaster, one that left me breathless again and again. 

 I don't think I've read a series that ended as well as this one did.

 I can't imagine how hard it must have been for Jenn to write. And she wrote it beautifully.

 I am seriously missing Jack F'n Carter. He is one of my most favorite BBF's and he is my favorite Ball Player.

 I am seriously rooting for Jenn to give us the next Generation of Carters. Can you imagine what that will be like?

 Tune in on Tuesday when we close our J Sterling Feature out with Seeing Stars. The first Book in a amazing new series!

 I will have to go and reread the series again soon to get my Jack fix. I know it will have me crying profoundly, but it's worth every damn second!

 *Quote- "Love is the one thing in this world worth taking a risk for. When you're older and you look back on the life you lived. You won't regret the fact that you took the chance to love someone. But you will regret the chances on love you didn't take. Especially the ones rooted in fear. They're only scary because you have the most to lose. You feel the most for them. Don't let the fear of losing love stop you from having the experience altogether. Live without regrets. It's very easy to, really. You just listen to your heart, follow it, and take chances. Always take chances. And take risks, especially when it comes to love. Because love is the one thing in this world that's worth risking everything for." -Gran

   For Jenn's Author Talk, or the Book Talks on Either TPG or TGC go here:

 Jenn's Author Talk:

 The Perfect Game:

 The Game Changer:


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