Book Talk Review; Get Me

 The final book in the amazing Keatyn Chronicles by Jillian Dodd is finally here!

 Get Me...

Will Keatyn get her life back?
And if she does, which life will she choose?

This is the 6th and final book in the series.

 The short little blurb has everything we've been wondering for over two years now. 

 Will Keatyn get her life back? Which life will she choose? Who is her perfect boy? All that and more is answered in this book. 

 As I can't give you any spoilers I'm going to say what I can and hope it makes sense. And tease you with how amazing it is. And bore you with how often I use the word amazing and talk about how this book made me feel and all the emotions etc.

 I don't even know where to start with this book. 

 Get Me starts off right where Hate Me left off. So for those of you who read Hate Me, you already know that it's emotional. Right off the bat the tears were flowing. 

 And it seemed with each page the tears flow got heavier and heavier. And then they stopped. Not completely but they stopped for a while, then they would come back. Or at some points there was so much emotion and so much happiness and love within the pages that The tears would just be coming down and I wouldn't even notice. 

 Of course there was on very intense scene where I cried so hard I had to go back and re-read because I didn't understand what I was reading. 

 There where so many WTF Moments in this book. From the first page to the last there are twists and turns and scenes that just made me go What the fuck, or are you serious, or  you've got to be fucking kidding me, or other assortments of cussing and completely freaking out internally and externally. 

 I thought that this was going to be a long Talk but it might just end up being short. I can't give anything away and I don't know how to best describe what this book did to me.

 Keatyn fights back towards Vincent hard. She struggles to try to keep everyone she loves safe while also trying to take back her life and take Vincent down. 

 Like I said Jillian had a lot of twists and turns in this book. It felt like every page there was something new going on that threw off the characters. 

 I loved seeing all the characters in this book and finding out how much they changed and how they all managed to help Keatyn become the person she was always meant to be. 

 Throughout the Series we saw Keatyn grow up. And we see that change in her during this book. We see sides of her that were only glimpsed at during the process of her coming into her own. We see glimpses of the girl she was and the girl she still is because those parts don't ever go away. You just learn whats important in the end. And in the end that's what happened with Keatyn. She learned what was really important and got her life back, not just for her but for everyone. 

 Keatyn's journey is one that will stay with me always. I am still reeling and have not come down form the high that this book put me on even though I finished it on release day. 

 This Book ended in the perfect way and I cannot believe that it is over already! It doesn't seem like it took over two years to get the end of this amazing series, but if I think about how long we had to wait in-between installments it seems too long! 

 A great way to end a series and I thank Jillian for this amazing journey that she's given us. 

 *Quote- "I didn't need my worlds to come together. I needed myslef to come together." -Keatyn


 Jillian's Author Talk:

 Stalk Me's Book Talk:

 Kiss Me's Book Talk:

 Date Me's Book Talk:

 Love Me's Book Talk:

 Adore Me's Book Talk:

 Hate Me's Book Talk:


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