Book Talk Review; Get Me

The final book in the amazing Keatyn Chronicles by Jillian Dodd is finally here! Get Me... Will Keatyn get her life back? And if she does, which life will she choose? This is the 6th and final book in the series. The short little blurb has everything we've been wondering for over two years now. Will Keatyn get her life back? Which life will she choose? Who is her perfect boy? All that and more is answered in this book. As I can't give you any spoilers I'm going to say what I can and hope it makes sense. And tease you with how amazing it is. And bore you with how often I use the word amazing and talk about how this book made me feel and all the emotions etc. I don't even know where to start with this book. Get Me starts off right where Hate Me left off. So for those of you who read Hate Me, you already know that it's emotional. Right off the bat the tears were flowing. And it seemed w...