Release Day Blitz; Eventide

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My name is Fallon. I am different. I am special. My essence moves in a cadence unknown to the other Auras at the House of Eventide. It was born of the intricate dance of the moon's opposing forces; retract and advance, embrace and release. The brazen energy of the sun preys at the edges of my being; fraying its delicate balance and scorching my heart into submission. Only under the calming cover of night, can my essence shine freely.
My true identity must be kept secret at all costs. My very existence is a threat to the Aura Order I pretend to be a part of. Should my web of lies unravel, they would stop at nothing to destroy me. I am the sole descendant of the light moon goddess, Luna . I have been Chosen. This is my story.

Purchase the first book Forsaken, on Amazon:
Purchase the first book Forsaken, on Smashwords:

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