Blog Tour; The Soul Thief

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The Soul Thief (The Angel of Death Series #1)
by Majanka Verstraete
Publisher: Booktrope
Published: November 11, 2014
Genre: YA, Paranormal
9781620155585_front   When sixteen-year-old Riley is injured in a car crash and sees a girl stealing a boy’s soul, she’s convinced she’s hallucinating. But when she sees the same girl at the hospital later, she knows she wasn’t dreaming. That’s when Riley learns her secret heritage and who she really is: a halfling Angel of Death. Riley must come to terms with her new reality and supernatural abilities, but before she can do this, girls her age start dying in mysterious circumstances. It’s up to Riley to figure out why, what the innocent victims have in common, and what she can do to stop them.


 “I can’t believe you never told me.” The betrayal stung, and red hot, flaring anger soared through my body. I wanted to hit some-thing. Someone. “And I can’t wrap my head around how all of this can be real.”

We talked for a bit longer, Gran mostly explaining her reasons why she never told me — which in my mind translated as utter non-sense — and me thinking about how I was going to handle all this.

When the Council declared me a Halfling, I was so surprised that I didn’t stop to think about how it was possible part of me was an Angel of Death. But now that I knew the truth, I wish I didn’t.

After what seemed like an eternity, but probably only lasted fifteen minutes, Gran and I resurfaced from the basement. We climbed the steep stairs to her kitchen. The aroma of freshly-cooked spaghetti greeted us, but the bump in my stomach was so large and twisted that the thought of food made me want to throw up.

“Are you all right, kiddo?” Dad asked after one look on my face. “You’re very pale.”

I shrugged. “Heavy lifting probably isn’t a good idea when you’ve just had a concussion.”Mom started scolding Gran for letting me do hard work while being ill, but I couldn’t even take any pleasure from that. Usually it was hilarious when Mom scolded Gran because Gran did all sorts of childish stuff in response, like rolling her eyes, walking away or simply going ‘blah blah blah’. She did so now as well, grimacing and mouthing ‘blah blah’ behind my Mom’s back.

Cassie laughed. She pointed at Gran and looked at me, as if wondering why I didn’t laugh as well.I sat down at the kitchen table and ruffled through my sister’s hair. Half-sister actually, I guess.My entire life was a lie and I couldn’t tell anyone.


Dream Cast

Taylor Momsen as Riley
Photo credit: Flickr
Taylor Momsen would be great at playing Riley – I’m sure of that after seeing her performance on Gossip Girl. They have the same build and hair color, although Riley rarely uses make-up, and Taylor usually does. But that’s easily fixed.   dreamcast2
Toby Regbo as Leander
Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons
When I had to write down the character description for Leander, I actually looked up a picture of Toby Regbo and described him. So Leander’s looks are inspired by this actor! Then who better to play Leander than the actor who inspired his looks?   dreamcast3
Caitlin Stasey as Katie
Photo credit: Flickr
Caitlin Stasey looks just like I imagined Katie to look, and she’s great at playing characters who have the same bubbly personality as Katie has. In the TV series “Reign”, she plays a young woman named Kenna, who’s flirty and outgoing, and she does a great job at it. Katie has the same personality traits, so I’m sure she’d be great at it. dreamcast4
Claire Holt as Michelle
Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons
Claire Holt looks just like Michelle, except her hair needs to be curly, but that’s easily fixed! This young actress did a great job in her role as a vampire in “The Vampires Diaries”, and I’m impressed with her talent, so I’d love it if she could play in the movie for The Angel of Death series.   dreamcast5
Zach Roerig as Craig
When I thought about who I wanted to play Craig, then I instantly thought about Matt from “The Vampire Diaries”, a character portrayed by Zach Roerig. I think this actor would do a great job playing Craig.

About the Author


  Majanka Verstraete begged her Mom to teach her how to read while she was still in kindergarten. By the time she finished fifth grade, she had read through the entire children’s section of her hometown library. She wrote her first story when she was seven years old, and hasn’t stopped writing since. With an imagination that never sleeps, and hundreds of possible book characters screaming for her attention, writing is more than a passion for her. She writes about all things supernatural for children of all ages. She’s tried to write contemporary novels before, but something paranormal always manages to crawl in. Majanka is currently studying for her Master of Laws degree, and hopes one day to be able to combine her passions for law and writing. When she’s not writing, reading or studying, she likes watching “The Vampire Diaries” and “Game of Thrones,” spending time with her friends, or playing “World of Warcraft.”
Tour Schedule
November 12 Write Away Bliss - Schedule / Excerpt The Musings of a Book Addict - Review Suzy Turner, Author - Author Interview The Best Books Ever - Character Bio, Dreamcast, Excerpt November 13 Country Book Bumpkin - Review, Soundtrack, Excerpt Reese's Reviews - Review, Character Bio, Dreamcast Pinky's Favorite Reads - Top Ten, Excerpt November 14 Indy Book Fairy - Review, Excerpt Kimber Leigh Writes - Top Ten, Excerpt Here is What I Read - Author Interview, Dreamcast, Soundtrack, Excerpt Writing Belle - Character Bios November 15 A Book Paradise - Author Interview, Soundtrack, Excerpt Endless Reading - Review, Excerpt The Literary Melting Pot - Review November 16 Roxy's Reviews - Review, Character Bios, Top Ten Real Talk, Book Talk - Dreamcast, Excerpt Becca Anne's Book Reviews - Review, Character Bio, Dreamcast Nerd Girl Official - Excerpt November 17 Deal Sharing Aunt - Author Interview, Top Ten, Excerpt Star Shadow Blog - Character Bio, Dreamcast, Soundtrack Dystopia Capitol - Review November 18 Kristy Centro - Character Bios Whispered Thoughts - Character Bios, Excerpt, Soundtrack Little Hyuts Reviews - Dreamcast November 19 Step Into Fiction - Review, Excerpt Behind the Pages - Author Interview, Dreamcast, Excerpt This Redhead Loves Books - Review, Excerpt The Avid Reader - Soundtrack, Character Bios November 20 Tracy's Nook - Review, Character Interview The Pleasure of Reading - Excerpt Bex n Books - Character Bios Becky's Barmy Book Blog - Top Ten, Excerpt November 21 Relaxed Reads - Dreamcast Renee Entress's Blog - Review Books and Friendz - Character Bio, Excerpt Pretty in Fiction - Top Ten, Excerpt Kat's Book Promotions - Dreamcast


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