Book Talk Review; More Than Enough

 It's time to dive back into the world of More...

 There’s no emotion greater than fear.
 No ache greater than grief.
 No sound greater than silence.
 I’m grateful he showed up on my doorstep, pissed off and angry at the world.
 If he hadn’t, I wouldn’t be here.
 And I don’t just mean here on this journey with him.
 I mean here, in this world.
 I wonder what events in all our lives—hers included—are The Turning Points?  The points where we all determine that the fear of our pasts and the uncertainty of our futures are greater than our need for happiness.
 While time and everything around us stands unmoving… who’s to say we can’t have it all?
 We wanted it all.
 We wanted it with each other.
 We thrived on the chaos we created.
 And ignored the Mayhem that ensued.
 Because falling in love was easy.
 But sometimes, love isn’t enough.

 I'm writing this right after reading it. And we all know what happens when I do that...nothing good can come from this...

 So we've waited and waited and waited for this book. And while I can say that I was anxious for this book, I'm glad it took this long to get. Because it meant that we got the story we were supposed to. 

 Jay told us the story in the way that it was meant to be told. 

 There's no other way this book could have been written, it wouldn't have had the same effect. 

 I'm going to get real in this Book Talk, I'm not going to hold back, because this book didn't hold back, and it wouldn't be the same otherwise.   

 This book means so much to me. I can't do it justice with just a few words. I'm not going to try.

 I love how Jay puts so much real life shit in her books, but this one hit home a lot. Not because I've been in positions in my life. Not because I can identify myself with the situations the characters go through. 

 But I have been through some shit in my life. I'm still going through some shit in my life. It's changed me in ways I can't even explain. 

 I'm not a woe is me type of person. I'm a silent sufferer. Much like Dylan, much like his girl. And no, I'm not telling you her name. Go into this without any expectations, because while you won't be disappointed, you will be surprised. 

 I think this is the best book I've read. I think this is the best book in the series. I loved them all of course, but this was just more. I can't explain it. It's something you have to feel.

 And you have to feel the emotions in this book. Both the characters are messed up due to circumstance. Something I can understand. 

 Both of them find ways to numb themselves. They drown in their silence. They crave the silence. They need the silence. But they all feel stuck in the chaos. 

 This book really hits home for me. Because I feel all the things they feel. I felt so much, the pain hurt, not as bad as I thought it was going to but it still hurt. I think because I could understand the characters, I could understand their pain.

 It was beautiful the way these characters were handled. The topics discussed in this book aren't easy ones. They would break people in real life, they do break people in real life, Jay isn't afraid to show that in her writing. 

 This book is raw. It's a vulnerability, I can connect with this book more than I can connect with any other book I've read. Because it's fucking real. 

 What Jay created is real, I can look at this book and recognize myself in many aspects. 

 This book hits a low. These characters hit a low. I'm thankful it does, because while I haven't hit my low yet, I've come close, I know it's coming. 

 I'm sorry that this isn't really a review. But I can't review this book. I can tell you that Dylan exceeded my expectations. I can tell you that the girl has a strength inside of her that I wish to have someday. 

 I can tell you that I read this book on my good day. I don't have enough of those. And I'm ashamed to admit it. Why admit it here? Because I need to tell you about this book. And in order for me to tell you how I felt about this book, then you need to know why it affects me so much. 

 This book is more than two people finding each other, falling in love, and all that other crap. A good portion of this book is avoiding, then it's numbing, then it's realizing-realizing that you aren't at fault, that you are good enough. Then it's about healing. 

 So for everyone who goes into this book and finds something different than you expected and don't like it. I'm sorry. Because while I myself didn't expect it to go the way it did. I'm glad it did. 

 I'm glad that this is the book we got. I'm sad it's the last More book, but I always have hope that Jay will surprise us. I'm glad we finally get Dylan's story, and I can say with absolute certainty that it was worth it. 

 There are lighthearted parts too. It's not all hard emotions. This is the More Gang of course. Which means there are more Op Mayhems (You understand if you've read the books), there are more feel good moments, we get to see the gang together once again. 

 Cam, Jake, Logan, and Dylan do what boys do best in this book. They tease, name call, retaliate, and be there for each other. Even the girls get in on some of the ridiculousness of the guys. 

 The More Gang is the group of friends that all other groups of friends are jealous of, I know I am. 

 I loved this book. It feels so inadequate to say that. But there isn't any other way I can express my feelings, without giving you a long boring spew of how much this means to me because I'm where the characters were. So I loved this book. 

 Thank you for this book Jay. 

 Thank you for being you. 

 *Quote- " I don't want deep. I want the horizon. I want the calm." -Dylan

              "But is is relevant. Because is and was is the difference between time standing still, and time moving forward." -Dylan   

             "Time + perspective can change people." -Dylan

              "Silent on the outside, roaring thoughts on the inside." -Dylan (This quote is life) 

               "I guess some secrets are easier to find than others. Maybe there's a reason we want to keep them a secret instead of pushing the wrong buttons with each other and ending up in a place neither of us want?"

               "Time and love is different. Love you can share; you can give to others. Love, in some cases, is even replaceable. Time is not." 


Jay's Author Talk:

More Than This Book Talk:

More Than Her Book Talk:

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