Book Talk Review; Kick Push

 This is the hardest review I've ever had to write. It's also the most meaningful

 There’s a single defining moment within every skater.
 It lasts only a second. Two if you're good.
 Three if you’re really good.
 It’s the moment you’re in the air, your board somewhere beneath you, and  nothing but wind surrounds you.
 It’s the feeling of being airborne.

 The sixteen-year-old version of me would’ve said it was the greatest feeling in the world.

 Then at seventeen, I had my son.
 And every single second became a defining moment.
 Even the ones that consisted of heartbreak when his mother left us.

 Seventeen. Single. Dad. 

That’s what my life became.
Yet, every day, I managed to find that feeling of being airborne.
Or at least I convinced myself I did.
But I lied—to myself and to everyone around me.
Until she showed up; Tanned skin, raven dark hair, and eyes the color of emeralds.

You know what sucks about being in the air?

Coming down from the high.
Sometimes you land on the board and nail the trick.
Then kick, push, and coast away.
Other times you fall.
You fall hard.

And those are the times when it’s not as easy to get back up, dust off your pads and try again.

Especially when the girl with the emerald eyes becomes your drug...

And you become her poison.

 I've just spent the last three hours crying my eyes out while reading. Why? Because this book was the hardest book  I have ever read. The hardest book I will probably ever read. Ever.

 Normally I read a book and wait to write a review. For ARCs I give myself a few days time so I can gather my thoughts. But I can't with this book. 

 I guess I just have to coast my way through it. 

 Y'all know that I'm a huge fan of Jay McLean. I've read all of her books. I've cried through most of her books. 

 Jay talks about real life shit. She talks about hard shit. Every single one of her books is real. (We just need to agree now that Boy Toy is our dirty pleasure) 

 I cried through everyone of her books, except two. One was Boy Toy (Because I was too busy laughing at that shit). The other was Combative, because I was too busy having a miniature heart attack.   

 If you read my reviews then you know that I'm an emotional reader. You know that I cry. You know that I've been devastated by books before. 

 You know that I've been destroyed by books before. Just look at my GoodReads updates. 

 I can't even begin to process what this book has done to me. This book was raw pure emotion. This book is love, heart break, family. But it's also something I can't even describe. 

 You have to read the book to fully understand what this book is. 

 This is more than a love story. This is more than a heart break. This is more than a fucked up family. 

 It's simply more. 

 I thought Where The Road Takes me would be the hardest book of Jay's I would ever read. I was wrong. 

 I was so wrong

 Kick, Push is more than a journey. It's more than an experience. 

 It's something great. I've read books that have changed my outlook on the world before. I have read books that have changed how I see myself. How I see my life. 

 This book. It didn't do any of that.

 This book made me feel something. I don't know what. All I now is that it was something

 If you read Where The Road Takes Me, then you've met Josh Fire Trucking Warden. If you haven't then you need to. You need the backstory. You need to know the emotions of that book, before you can try to understand the emotions of this one. 

 This is going to be one of my longer reviews. Because I just don't know what to say. So I'll ramble on until I've convinced you to go and buy it. 

 I don't give spoilers, I never have. I'm not going to outline the characters or the book for you. Because I can't. You have to see it for yourself. 

 Jay packed so much emotion in this book, I thought I was going to break. I did break. 

 I'm shaking because I spent the past three hours crying while reading this. I love Jay, I love how she can make me laugh and cry at the same time. What I don't like is that now, I don't even know. 

 I laughed at the right times, but I also cried at the right times. And the wrong ones. 

 And I've joked before, but I seriously think that I broke the kindle highlight feature. I highlighted so much. I can't even share most of that shit with you because it would break the no spoiler rule. 

 I know I've broken it before with a few of my quotes, and some hints in my reviews. But I can't. Not just because I'll be breaking rule #1 which is to not be an asshole. 

 But because I can't think about how you would feel if you know what I do before you read it. 

 I'm going to give you quotes. Quotes that I love. Ones that won't get me sent to the place where assholes go after they die. 

 This is more than just a book. This is about a boy, who becomes a man, who steals whatever was left of my heart. 

 This is about a girl, who becomes a woman, who breaks my soul. 

 This book is about an author, who broke herself apart, and gave us something great. 

 This is not just another book. Not to her, not to us. Not to the characters, who are real dammit, don't tell me they're not! 

 This is life

 This is what I've been looking for. 

 This right here. This is why I love doing what I do. I love sharing a piece of me with you. Because I read books. And the authors who write those books? They share a piece of them with us. 

 Kick, Push is the greatest thing I've ever read. It is the hardest book I have ever read. 

 I spent a whole blog post rambling on. But you know what? It was worth it. This book was worth it. 

 I hope that everyone who reads this book realizes how worth it, it really is. 

 *Quote- "Just breathe. Because the simple act of breathing is a constant struggle when you live your life in fear." - The Girl (I'm not giving you her name. I didn't know until I read the book, you don't know until you read the book) 
            "Some things will always be beautiful, even in the face of death" -The Girl (So fucking true {also it's a miracle! That was the first time I've said fuck this whole post}) 

            "There are some sacrifices greater than love. And some loves greater than any sacrifice. Tommy's greater than both." -Josh

            "Sometimes the most basic of moments become your most treasured memories." -Josh

            "There's a big difference between being happy and being selfish, Choose to be happy. Fire truck the rest." -Chloe

            "Kick. Push. Coast. Time to coast, son" -Henry Warden

 That's more quotes than I usually give, but they all mean something. Read the book to find out. 


 Jay's Author Talk:

 Book Talks on: 

 More Than This:

 More Than Her:

 More Than Him:

 More Than Forever:

 Where The Road Takes Me:


 (Boy Toy will be coming around when I remember, y'all know I'm bad at this blogging shit.)


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