Blog Tour; Where The Road Takes Me

Meet Blake & Chloe in Where the Road Takes Me 
in this new coming of age novel by

Jay McLean



Amazon UK:

(I'm in love with this cover!) 

Chloe has one plan for the future, and one plan only: the road. 
She’s made a promise to herself: don’t let anyone in, and don’t let anyone love her. 
She’s learned the hard way what happens if she breaks her rules.
 So she’s focused on being invisible and waiting until she can set out on the road—her dream of freedom, at least for a little while.

Blake Hunter is a basketball star who has it all—everything about him looks perfect to those on the other side of his protective walls. 
He can’t let anyone see the shattered pieces behind the flawless facade or else all his hopes and dreams will disappear.

One dark night throws Chloe and Blake together, changing everything for Blake.
 For Chloe, nothing changes: she has the road, and she’s focused on it.
 But when the so-called perfect boy starts to notice the invisible girl, they discover that sometimes with love, no one knows where the road may lead. 


I was granted the chance to read and review this amazingly brilliant book. I hope I can do it justice, y'all have no idea how much this book touched me. 

Chloe isn't the type of character that I am usually instantly drawn too.She's the girl who pushes everyone away and it kind of pisses me off. Especially when we all know that something is going on between her and Blake. Even if neither of them know it yet. 

Blake, sigh, Blake is now on my list of favorite Book Boyfriends. #ilovethehunter

He's everyone's favorite basketball star, he's the popular jock. He has the hot ass girlfriend. He has it all. Or does he?

One night Fate twists things up in the lives of Chloe and Blake, bringing theses two people, with opposite lives, together.

Jay takes us down an epic love story. One filled with hope, friendship, love, and Red-Letter Days. (No Spoilers That's all you get)

This book is pure and utter Brilliance. I've read all of the More Series Books, I've cried during each and everyone of them. So I was prepared to cry during this one too. But I didn't expect what I got.

I had some misty eyed moments, here and there, I cried, really cried at some point, like right before the halfway mark, but when I broke down I really broke down. Jay was able to take these words and turn them into utter Brilliance.

Honestly, there is no better way for me to describe this book. I love her four previous books, but this one is different. All her books are unique in one way or another, (Have you read my Book Talks on the More Series?) But this one has a really different feel to it.

I was excited when I got my copy of Where The Road Takes Me. But I was also scared. I was scared becasue like with all new books that I read from authors I absolutely love I was scared that this one would be so different from the others that I wouldn't love it as much.

I was so wrong of course. While it took a while for me to warm up to Chloe I think that was the point. I was able to get into Blake right away, which I loved since I love reading the Guy's POV in books.

This book has laughter, Jay is famous for her One-Liners after all. It has love, I'm a huge romantic, and Jay McLean has this amazing skill to take words and string them together to make you fall in love right as the characters do. It has Heart, there is something that Jay puts into her books that you can just feel as soon as you open the cover.

Her characters go through Real Life Shit. And I think that's what draws me too her books. Because I can understand where the characters are coming from, because I feel like I know the characters.

This is more than just a good book I was able to snag an ARC of. This is a story that will stay with me for a long time.



"And then it struck me-why we were both so comfortable here, on this one night, as complete strangers. Maybe we both had something to hide. Maybe we both enjoyed the company of someone who didn't know us well enough to judge us. Maybe we were both so sick of faking it-our breathing had somehow become natural around each other, the way it should be ans not a struggle like it usually was." -Blake

"Because over the years of building walls and living my life one day at a time, I’d learned to accept my fate and never hope for more than what I had. I’d never questioned the way I thought about my life. But Blake—he made me question it. He made me want to change it. To change my outlook. And to change myself. But I couldn’t. And I wouldn’t. Because one day, sooner rather than later, I’d be gone. And I’d leave them all behind." -Chloe


Chloe lifted her gaze and locked it with mine. She shook her head again and groaned, “Fine.” Then she took off her shirt.

My jaw dropped.

My hands had touched her bare skin, the curve of her hips, and her tiny waist, but I’d seen her body only once, when she was in a bikini, and that had been for only a minute. But that was nothing compared to seeing her like this. Up close. So close her sports bra–covered breasts were just under my nose.

“Blake?” she whispered.

I struggled to take my eyes off her chest, but I finally made it to her face. She had her hair tied up in a messy knot on top of her head, like she often did. But a few strands were stuck on her neck and on her face . . . and a little sheen of sweat covered her arms and her stomach, her chest, her breasts . . .

“Blake,” she repeated, and I trailed my eyes back to hers again.

She pouted before she said, “Give me the ball?”

I shook my head and hid the ball behind my back.

She pouted again. “Please?” she whispered. Then a hint of a smile broke through.

“Are you trying to seduce me into giving you my ball?”

(Teaser Credit for the past six Graphics goes to fellow Jaybird Emma Kay)
About The Author

Jay McLean is the author of the More Series, including More Than This, More Than Her, More Than Him and More Than Forever. She also has two standalones coming soon titled Where The Road Takes Me, and Combative.

Jay is an avid reader, writer, and most of all, procrastinator. When she's not doing any of those things, she can be found running after her two little boys, or devouring some tacky reality TV show.

She writes what she loves to read, which are books that can make her laugh, make her smile, make her hurt, and make her feel.

Stalk Her: Website | Facebook | Facebook Fan Page | Twitter | Pinterest | Google Plus | Google Plus Jaybirds Group | Goodreads
For publishing rights (Foreign & Domestic) Film, or television, please contact my agent, Erica Spellman-Silverman, at Trident Media Group.
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(Teaser Credit goes to Fellow Jaybird Kristin Nielsen)

For Book Talks on The More Series

More Than This

More Than Her

More Than Him

More Than Forever 


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