Cover Reveal; Flirting With Love

TITLE: Flirting With Love

AUTHOR : Clara Stone

GENRE : Romance , Young Adult

Hudson and Blake Lovelly lead a charmed life—successful careers,loving family, beautiful home. 
Now, on the eve of their daughter’s birth, they’re counting their blessings. 
Life wasn’t always so generous . . .
Fifteen years ago, seventeen-year-old Blake Voss walked into Cranbrook Preparatory High to participate in the school year’s most-prestigious debate competition. 
She never expected to fall for the pretentious, golden-haired boy on the opposing debate team, and he never expected to be ensnared by the quick-witted prankster with a heart of gold.

Their mutual love for joking pretense soon leads them to pull their biggest prank yet--pretending to be in love.
 But when danger threatens, Hudson can’t conceal his growing affection. 
He’ll do anything to be with Blake, even if it means risking his heart to protect her.

They didn’t plan for their friendship to grow into a love story.
 But sometimes, all it takes is a little Hope.

This powerful companion to Forever Kinda Love tells the history of Hudson and Blake’s relationship. Laced with haunting emotion and beautiful sentiment, this is a tale about overcoming even the darkest moments, reminding us all to love more. Give more. Without regrets.

“You.” I point at the guy that always seems to cling to Blake like a pet octopus. Weasley, or Possum, or something equally asinine.

He turns, eyebrows raised, and crosses his arms in defiance. The group around him pauses, their curious eyes on us. I ignore it.

“Where is she, Weasel?”

“My name is not Weas—”

“Weasel, Wormhole, whatever. I don’t care. Where. Is. She.”

He grinds his teeth. “I don’t know who you’re talking about.”

“Oh, really?” I take a threatening step toward him, cracking my knuckles. I’m not above bruising a chump to get justice for my Jags.

“What’s going on?” A voice, filled with authority, comes from behind me. Something stirs in the pit of my stomach . . . irritation, anger, or . . . ?

I take a deep breath and pivot. “Blake.”

She looks unimpressed, her eyes boring into mine. I notice the crowd around us is still hovering, interested to see where this is going. But once again, I ignore them.

I step toward Blake, searching the chocolate depths of her eyes for any sign of guilt. There isn’t any, but the fire that seems to crackle just beneath their surface leaves me suspicious. And slightly mesmerized.

A small smile appears on her lips, but quickly vanishes.

“Golden Boy here is looking for you,” Willy Wonkers says, shouldering past me to stand next to Blake.

I growl. “Who the hell are you calling—”

“Golden Boy.” Blake cuts me off.

I grunt, annoyed.. “Don’t call me that.”

She raises an eyebrow and takes a step toward me, away from Wes the Pet. “So . . . ?”

“So . . .” I prod.

She bites down on her lower lip, waiting for me to say something. And I don’t. Because there is no way I’m asking if she messed up my Jags. I want her to confess.

She clears her throat. “You were looking for me?”

Un-freaking-believable. Really, Blake? Really? Her confession be damned. I need answers. Now. “How could you do this to my baby?”




Life’s. Little. Surprises.

The last thing seven-year-old Carrigan "Ace" Casper foresaw was an eight-year-old Heath Lovelly walking into her life the day her mother died. 
From that moment on, Heath sticks by her side, slowly becoming her strength, her confidant, and her entire world. 
What she doesn’t know is, she's his saving grace, too.

Ten years later, Ace is handed another crippling challenge that threatens everything in her almost perfect life. 
Only, this time, she doesn't turn to Heath, hiding the truth instead. 
But Heath knows Ace too well and won't back down easily. 
He's ready to do whatever it takes and will stay by her side until she accepts that their love is the kinda love worth fighting for.

Will he be her forever triumph or her unexpected downfall?

Two lives.

One story.

And an unexpected journey to falling in love.

Clara Stone lives in the beautiful city of Boise, ID. Unlike what most believe about Idaho, it’s more than a sack full of potatoes. When she’s not writing, you’ll catch Clara reading YA and NA books, mostly romance, and enjoying time with her family. She is a proud CW TV addict.




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