Promo Post; Angela Fattig

Title: Invasion Trilogy We Are Not Alone Book 1


‘The world in 2044, filled with hate and corruption, finds that the ‘God’ of the Bible is not

what He appears to be or is ‘He’.

Dr. Jay Winder, a man with a secret unknown to even him, alongside Dr. Mandi Stevens must

work with a government he disagrees with in order to save the human race from extinction.

Faced with said extinction, he finds love in a burning world filled with rubble, ash, death, and

Does he have the strength, and can he find the will to overcome his past and vanquish the

enemy in time? Or will he allow his secret and the betrayal to cause their demise?’


The Invasion is here and it is NOT what you think... 
In the pages of the Bible there are stories that no one really talks about...
Those on television only theorize...
What if an Alien Invasion happened?
What if the Invasion didn’t come from outer space? 
What if it came from within the Bible?
Would you be ready? 
Would you know what to do?

About The Author

Angela Fattig spent most of her childhood reading any book she could find.
That's when her passion of writing was born.
When she was 10, she started writing short stories and poems and kept quite a collection.
In 1998 she met Paul and they have shared a life together for 15 years.
 In 1999 she introduced the world to her first born, Brandi, and again in 2000, Sarah.
Today, when she is not doing what she loves, writing, she spends time with her beautiful family and the addition of two dogs named Izzy and Herly.
Angela's inspirations have always been Stephen King, E L James, and Poe. 

Connect With Angela








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