Book Talk Jessica Park

 Hey y'all! It's time for another Author Talk!

The beautiful and amazing Jessica Park is author of Flat-Out-Love Series; Flat-Out-Love, Flat-Out-Matt (Companion Novella to Flat-Out-Love), and Flat-Out-Celeste. She also wrote Left Drowning, Relatively Famous, Facebooking Rick Springfield (and Other Musings of a Scattered Writer), What the Kid Says, and What the Kid Says 2: At Least He Asked



 Jessica Park is the author of LEFT DROWNING, FLAT-OUT LOVE, the FOL companion novella, FLAT-OUT MATT., and RELATIVELY FAMOUS.

 Jessica grew up in the Boston area and attended Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota. After spending four years in the frigid north, including suffering through one memorable Halloween blizzard, Jessica hightailed it back to the east coast. She now lives in (relatively balmy) New Hampshire with her husband, son, bananas dogs named Fritzy and Finn, and a selfish cat. When not writing, Jessica indulges her healthy obsessions with Facebook and complicated coffee beverages.

 You can e-mail her HERE. Tell her about your ex-boyfriend who was a font nerd. Or send pictures of awesome Flat People on adventures. (You get bonus points for this. Possibly some sort of award, too.) Stories of online romance. Apartment rental disasters. Skydiving experiences… Whatever you want. And like any normal person, she has an online addiction, so you can find her on FACEBOOK and TWITTER where she updates with much greater regularity than she does on her blog.

Jessica is a huge proponent of self-publishing — after all, it worked well for her! — and has put together some thoughts for other authors on the self-publishing process and its pros and cons on this site..

 Connect with Jessica on her

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