Big News!

 Okay Y'all I have some big and exciting news for you!

 As you all know I have made the decision to add someone on and help me run the Blog. Well I am happy to announce that as of  Sunday June 29th Real Talk, Book Talk has gone from being a one woman operation to being ran by two people!

 I hope you're as excited about this as I am, this is good for the Blog, (And my Sanity).

 So I want you all to know that starting soon you will be seeing posts by my dear partner Cat. There is still a lot, we have to work out so I don't know how we will be conducting the Posts but know that a lot hasn't changed.

 I will still be doing Book Talks on Tuesdays (Link For Today's) Thursdays, and Saturdays. I don't know when Cat will post hers but once we figure them out I'll let you know. More than likely I will be the one doing Schedule updates and Big Announcements still. The Book Talks and Author Talks that Cat writes will be different from mine because of course she is a different person.

 Blog Tours and Promo Blitzes will still be conducted the Same Depending on who is running them.

 One More Thing I want to Share, I will be opening up a new Page on this Blog that gives you insight into who we are. So Be on the Look Out for That Announcement!

 That's all for now



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