July Schedule

 Here is the July Schedule. Remember it is subject to change.

 We have five Blog Tours/Promos/ Teasers Scheduled for the up coming weeks, more will be added as I get conformation on a few other things I've signed up for. I have already started Scheduling for August as well.

 Now that I am back in the Swing of things I will be doing more Author and Book Talks. So remember to tune in on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. We are still working on when and how Cat will post so be on the look out for that announcement at well.

 Already I have had quite a bit of Activity this month so make sure you check out all the recent posts and enter some of the giveaways that are going on along with them.

 I plan on releasing a personal Blogger Page where you get to know us a little more, so be on the look out for that. I just need conformation from Cat and I will have it up.

 That's it for now make sure you check into Facebook and Twitter for updates and other things!



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