One Year!

 It's been one year since I started this blog. It's been a year of ups and downs. I've fallen out of the spirit of blogging a little bit, and have let this blog fall behind. I'm making a promise here and now to do what this blog was created for. Which is to review and spread the word of books I love.

 Lately the only thing that has been happening is Blog Tours, Release Blitzes, and Cover Reveals. I'm planning on changing that, I keep promising new Book Talks and I'm making good on those promises, check out the two latest Book Talks Never Never and The Law Of Moses

 I've learned a lot this year, about books, about blogging, and most importantly about myself. I've been through a lot in a short amount of time. I don't think many of you realize this but I am only 18. I turned 18 on December 2nd. Which means last year when I started doing this I was 17. I'm on the last leg of my senior year of High School.

 When I started this I just wanted to do something that I've wanted to do for a while. I tried once a few years ago but it fell through. So when I created this blog I didn't expect much, maybe a few readers if I was lucky, but I was okay with that, it was a spur of the moment type of thing. I've realized that if I give myself too much time to think I never follow through.

 What I NEVER expected was to fall in love with blogging. I never expected to love writing reviews as much as I do now. It was just something I wanted to do, now I feel so blessed for doing it. I feel so blessed to know that people follow my blog, I have over 1,000 Facebook Likes, you can go and add to that number if you wish. Or Twitter (Will try to get better at Tweeting), or Tsu (Will try to get better at posting)  I use Facebook the most, so it's the best way to get a hold of me, or you can email me but seriously I always seem to be behind on emails too (I'm trying I swear!)

 I guess I really just want to say thank you. Thank you for being so cool and accepting me and all my faults, I will get better, I promise. I'm still learning.

 So please if you have any suggestions you are welcome to voice them.

 If you want to see how my style and review writing has changed over the past year, you can check out my Never Never Book Talk (Just went live), and my Beautiful Disaster Book Talk (First one ever)

 This new year is going to be one of discovery and learning. I'm hoping you take the journey with me.

 Lots of Love, Abri <3


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