New Alert; Schedule and more

 Hey y'all so as you probably know from Facebook and Twitter I had some connection problems and have been out of touch for over a week. I am back up and running now but it really messed my whole schedule for June up. I'm going to touch bases on a few things with you in this post. I'll share the Schedule that is still in the works, since there are only a few days left in June there aren't many things I can do about it. I'll start up the Book Talks, Author Talks and Features again next week. I don't know what I'm going to do first yet but I will get to that. I also have made a decision that was hard to make and affects the fate of the blog. But it is for the good of this and I hope it works out. I love doing this blog and sharing these books with you. But I'll get to that, first let me share with you the Schedule as of now.

 *Note- Schedule is subject to change as I am taking Tour requests for July and August.

 So I have three things going up tomorrow. Two Release Blitzes and one Review Tour, make sure you check them out.

 As I've said I will restart the Book Talks again next week.

 I only have two spots right now Scheduled for July so I hope to fill it up more and also I will be open for August sign ups as well. That's all for what's going on right at this moment. I will update a Schedule for July.

 Now for the big news.

 I am the only Blogger that works on this Blog. As you know there have been times where I've gone out of town and had to put things on hold until I got back. And since my last problem it really made me mad.

 I love doing this, but when I run into problems in which I can't do the Tours I'm signed up for or the Book Talks I have planned it makes my name as a Blogger not a popular one.

 And I've been thinking about this for a while but now I think it's the best thing.

 I want to take on another Blogger. I need someone to be here and help me out when I can't do something.

 While I am a little skeptical about taking on another Blogger to run the Blog I know it is the right thing.

 So if any of you would like to be apart of my Blog I would love for you to contact me. At the moment I am only looking for one Blogger but maybe in the future we can open our doors to more.

 No experience is necessary. I was a newbie to this whole Blogging thing in January and I am still a newbie 5months later there is still a lot I don't know. So you can be a passionate reader who has been thinking of doing something like this but was hesitant to start your own or become apart of an already established one. Or you can just be someone who likes to read who thinks this will be a fun hobby, and it is, I love it, it's just a lot of work so be prepared for that. Or you can be apart of an already established Blog who wants to take on another one. Or you could be a Blogger who no longer is apart of a Blog.

 No matter what you are if you are interested I would love to talk to you.

 You can contact me at the Blog Email Tell me about why you would want to be apart of this team and a little about what you would be interested in doing.

 That's it for this News Alert! Look out for a Official July Schedule in a few weeks and check into the blog to see all the happenings 


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