Blog Tour; StoryTime

StoryTime is a tri-annual event created by Glass House Press. All proceeds from the StoryTime events will be donated to SDDAS Spirit Fund, a
nonprofit society dedicated to giving homeless animals the medical care they need. For more information, visit their website at

In Mary Fan’s second novella from Glass House Press, a teen girl wakes up in an icy cell, alone and frightened. 
She has no memory of who she is or how she came to be there.

She does know that she must get out, at all costs.
 And that escape must start with remembering the simple things – her own name. 
Her place of origin. 
Her possible powers.

When a group of dark magicians reveal themselves to be her captors, she finds herself in the clutches of those who will stop at nothing to uncover the secrets locked within her lost memories. 
With her life fading under their merciless spells, the need to escape becomes dire.

But can she get out when she doesn’t even know who she is? 
Can she count on one unlikely ally for help? 
Or is it already too late for her, a girl without a name?

Tell Me My Name introduces the main characters in Mary’s new fantasy series, Fated Stars, with the first book, Windborn, due in late 2015. 


Light floods my vision, but there’s no warmth in it, and I shut my eyes, wondering where it’s coming from. 
The darkness returns, and not just the darkness of my vision, but something far deeper, a terrifying abyss that freezes my heart.

The darkness in my mind.

I know I’m lying on a hard surface, and that I woke up here a moment ago, but before that, there’s nothing – nothing
Just a yawning maw of blackness gaping across my thoughts, a monstrous beast that hollowed out my head, leaving emptiness where memories should have been. 
Coldness wraps my entire being like an icy blanket; even the air in my lungs chills me. 
Questions assault me, a million flaming arrows aiming for my heart, and one strikes its target with the greatest impact: Where am I?

Telepaths, torture, mindwipes ... the Institute has it all, and they use each of their brainwashed children as weapons, the way they see fit.
To control society, repress its people. 
To make certain that they stay in power, no matter the cost.
 Serena’s baby brother Damon is one of those children, and these days he’s so altered that he doesn’t even recognize her.

When it comes to getting Damon away from those who kidnapped him, there's nothing Serena won't do.
 Even if she has to kill him to save him.
 First, though, she must prove to her father that she has what it takes to be a soldier against the insidious threat of the Institute. 
Her first mission has to be perfect.

But with inaccurate intelligence, unexpected storms, and Gav Belias, people’s hero of the Watch, on the prowl, will she even survive? 
If she doesn't succeed, they'll never let her go after her brother.

And that would be unthinkable, when it was her fault that he was taken in the first place.

Slam is Tash McAdam’s first work with Glass House Press, and serves as a prequel to her series The Psionics, with the first book, Maelstrom, due in 2015.  


The guards are like the Wall – emotionless, efficient, and totally indifferent to what goes on around them. Serena’s heart is in her throat as they approach those soldiers, and the barrier that guards the gaping maw of the main City entrance. 
It feels like she’s swallowed a rock. 
Keeping her nerves from her face takes all her attention, but zapping through takes only a few moments, and then they head into the City itself. 
She makes sure she releases her breath slowly as they join the queue of people going into the City to work, trying to blend. 
Just another day collecting credits, nothin’ to see here, friends. 

The stark differences between the City and the slums never fail to make her insides squirm.
 Outside, the population are huge-eyed and too thin. 
Children play in the dust and cough their lungs into bloody scraps as their parents try to eke out a living however they can. 
The houses are built from recycled materials scrounged from the dumps.
 But, oh, inside.
 Inside, the gleaming buildings are unnaturally clean and shining. 
The main streets are shielded from the worst of the sun’s rays by clever interlocking transparent sheets, which protect the delicate skin of the cerebrally rich.
 The superstructures are huge, beautiful, flowing edifices that create abstract shadows on the solar-paneled roads. 
Apartments meld seamlessly in rolling curves; gleaming silver and reflective, like the skin of a huge dragon.
 It’s no wonder people long to be invited into this clean and wholesome world.
I’d stay, if I didn’t know better. 


Almost a hundred years ago, the Enchanters defeated the Lord of the Underworld in one of the most fearsome wars the world had ever seen.

 The public thinks that this victory means the people are safe.
 But they’re wrong. 
The supernatural beasts the Lord unleashed remain on the earth, multiplying and ravaging what’s left of civilization. 
As long as these monsters exist, mankind will be in danger. 
And though the government, ruled by the magic-wielding Enchanters, seeks to protect their people, they are too few in number. 
They need the Defenders – a special class of non-magical humans – to fight the monsters.
 The Defenders are an elite force, and mankind’s only hope against the horrors that live beyond their gates.

Fourteen-year-old Aurelia “the Firedragon” Sun has been training since she could walk to become a Defender, and her extraordinary combat skills have earned the attention of the powerful government. In fact, she’s been tapped to represent her nation in an international monster-fighting competition, which pits champions from across the globe against creatures of the Underworld in a violent spectacle. If she wins, she will become a full-fledged member of the Defender force.

But as Aurelia moves deeper into the competition, she realizes that all is not as it appears. 
There’s something sinister behind the competition, something that could change the way she sees everything … and the Enchanters, it seems, are not the heroes she thought.
 Aurelia begins to ask questions.

But before she can discover the truth, she is pitted against the most dangerous monster in the competition

– one that will take her life if it can .


Aurelia stepped into the light. 
Though she’d fought hundreds of vicious supernatural beasts during her two years at the Academy of Supernatural Defense, she’d never faced stakes this high before.

The judges of the International Challenge, the first worldwide monster-fighting competition ever, stared down at her from one of the arena’s boxes. 
If she impressed them, they would let her enter the contest.
 And if she made it past their screening, and then through the qualifying round, and ultimately took the prize … her life would never be the same. 
She’d have the chance to do something much, much bigger than just taking home a trophy.

She could change the world.

Suddenly, a man’s voice boomed out from above. 
“Aurelia Sun. Age: Fourteen. Classification: Norm. Nation: Triumvirate of North America.”


Ash never thought going to a party could be dangerous.
 He certainly never thought it would change his life.
 But when a man with red eyes begins following him – and his sister – he realizes he was wrong.
 Soon they’re running, leading the man on a desperate chase over icy roads.

When Ash crashes his car, nearly killing his sister, the red-eyed man offers Ash a choice – save his sister, but pay the highest price possible.
 Bring Grace back to life, at the cost of his own soul.

Suddenly, Ash is facing a choice he never sought. 
But will he use that choice to save his sister? 
And if he does … what will it mean for Ash himself?


He tried to blink, but couldn’t get his eyes to open at all.
 There was a ringing in his ears, and a terrible pounding at his temples.
 I must be hung over, he thought, though this was far worse than any hangover he’d ever had.
 He groaned and tried to move, but a horrible pain shot through his head and down the entire right side of his body. 
He’d barely managed to open one eye when he saw him.

Red eyes stared at him, glowing like embers.
 Below them, a wide grin stretched across a gaunt face.
 Ash gasped.
 He knew this man, but the recognition slipped through his mind like a shadow.
 There was a solid thought there, but every time he attempted to pull it to the front, it vanished. 
He tried to sit up, desperate to get away from the man and his never-ending gaze, but his arm gave out and he ended up slamming right back down onto the … pavement? 
His mind grew fuzzy again at the thought, but he tried to focus, to take in his surroundings.
 Bright lights appeared, highlighting the landscape around him, and he gasped. 
The forest. 
The road.

 He looked up, wiping an unidentifiable liquid from his eyes, and found that the man was now standing right over him.
 He leaned down, his breath falling on Ash’s face.


About The Authors

About Mary Fan

Mary Fan is a hopeless dreamer, whose mind insists on spinning tales of “what if.” 
As a music major in college, she told those stories through compositions. Now she tells them through books—a habit she began as soon as she could pick up a pencil. Flynn Nightsider and the Edge of Evil follows a well-received debut novel, a space opera titled Artificial Absolutes (2013), and is the first in the Flynn Nightsider series. Mary would like to think that there are many other novels in her bag, and hopes to prove that to the world as well.

Mary lives in New Jersey and has a B.A. from Princeton University. When she’s not scheming to create new worlds, she enjoys kickboxing, opera singing, and blogging about everything having to do with books.

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About Tash McAdam
Tash McAdam’s first writing experience (a collaborative effort) came at the age of eight, and included passing floppy discs back and forth with a best friend at swimming lessons. Since then, Tash has spent time falling in streams, out of trees, learning to juggle, dreaming about zombies, dancing, painting, learning Karate, becoming a punk rock pianist, and of course, writing.

Tash is a teacher in real life, but dreams of being a full-time writer, and living a life of never-ending travel. Though born in the hilly sheepland of Wales, Tash has lived in South Korea and Chile and now calls Vancouver, Canada home.

Maelstrom, the first book in The Psionics, is Tash’s first published work. Visit the website or facebook for news, gossip, and random tidbits about Tash’s adventures.

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About Linda Foster

Linda Foster was born and raised in Colorado, where she still lives with her (very patient) husband and four (very spoiled) ferrets. Linda became an avid reading enthusiast the moment she picked up her first book, and has grown steadily worse. By the time she was 15 years old, her library had become too big for her shelves, and she was forced to donate all her books to the local school, just to make room for new ones. She started writing short novellas for her friends in middle school, and expanded into full-length novels several years later. Soul Bound is her first published novel.

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