Book Talk Review; That Summer

 Hey y'all! So I know I've sucked lately, and haven't gotten around to doing any Book Talks. Well, I'm here to make up for it!

 That Summer by the talented Sarah Dessen

 The more things change...
 For fifteen-year-old Haven, life is changing too quickly. She's nearly six feet tall, her father is getting remarried, and her sister—the always perfect Ashley—is planning a wedding of her own. 
 Haven wishes things could just go back to the way they were. 
 Then an old boyfriend of Ashley's reenters the picture, and through him, Haven sees the past for what it really was, and comes to grips with the future.

 I think that this was a good book. It has a good message of growing up. 

 Honestly this is my least favorite Sarah Dessen. It doesn't do it for me like her other books have. 

 This wasn't my first Sarah book and I'm glad it wasn't, because I probably wouldn't have read any other books if it was.  

 Haven is growing up. Things are changing. Too much too quickly. Her father is getting remarried to the 'weather pet' Lorna Queen. And her older sister is getting married to the boring Lewis Warsher.

 Haven feels tethered to her mother. She feels that it's her job to now be the protection, to be the perfect daughter. But she can't be perfect when she doesn't even know who she is anymore. 

 Everything is changing, no more married parents, no more little girls, no more perfect sisters. No more normal life. 

 One summer changes everything, and after the reappearance of one of Ashley's ex-boyfriends. The one that Haven thought was perfect. The one she thought was perfect for her sister, Haven longs to go back to that perfect summer. The summer before the truth of her father's affair came out, where her mother and sister were alike in their dramatic outbursts. 

 The summer that seemed perfect. 

 But Sumner helps Haven realize that her perfect summer wasn't so perfect after all. 

 Haven can't seem to stop growing. 

 Her perfect vision of summer comes to a new light. 

 Her perfect slightly dramatic sister is getting married to the boring Lewis. 

 Her father is married to the Weather Pet and seems to be growing more hair.
 Haven has lost sight of who she is and who she wants to be. 

 She is drowning in her memories of what happened yesterday, she can't remember to live in today. 

 For this being one of my least favorite Sarah books. Which is hard to say because I think Sarah is an amazing author. She is one of the best authors I have ever read. Her books are about, love, life, growing up, and discovering yourself. Something that all teens, pre-teens, and adults need to read once in a while. 

 I enjoyed this book, just because I didn't seem to enjoy it as much as her others does not mean that I didn't think it was good. 

 On Goodreads I gave it a two star out of five. Which is amazing, I think, Because I can't remember that last time I did that. 

 Haven wasn't the best main character, and that has a lot to do with it. I don't know if it was because of her age of what. I think I was about Haven's age when I read this book.  Or maybe a year younger. 

 The story itself was great, I just wasn't too enthused about Haven. 

 My Next Book Talk will be on Someone Like You, the very first Sarah Book that I've read. 

 I don't have these on my kindle, I have them in paperback, old covers, I really want the new covers too. I think they are beautiful. Especially This Lullaby's Cover. 

 I don't have quotes handy like I would if I had the kindle versions. But I was able to flip through and pick out a quote that I love. 

 *Quote- "The first boy was always the hardest." -Haven
 For Sarah's Author Talk: 

Old Cover if That Summer (The one that I have)


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