Release; Where The Sad Roses Grow

Title: Where The Sad Roses Grow

Author: Tee Smith

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Release Date: August 15, 2019

Lilac was born into a world of privilege… or so she was told. Life inside the compound is safe, protected, where only the good preside, and the evil are discarded.

Forced to marry a man, more than twice her age, one of four wives, she spends her time pining for the boy she lost and the life she could have had.

The Master may control her life, but he can’t control her mind.

When her child is ripped from her arms, she’s determined to find the answers.

But perhaps the truth is more sinister than she can allow herself to believe.

A new life should be celebrated, but they all knew a boy’s life was eminently difficult. They would work harder than anyone else in an attempt to be selected, yet so many weren’t. They rarely gained the love and attention that girl children received. Lilac believed that was because the mothers were scared to attach themselves to their male prodigy. For fear of exactly what had happened that morning.
“How’s Yas?” she asked humbly.
“Devastated. This is her third boy. We heard what happened at the meeting within minutes of this one being born.”
Lilac held her arms out for the new baby, her new little brother. It wasn’t his fault he had been born male.
A thick white coating smeared with traces of blood, still covered his skin. Usually, Martha would wash the baby and present it to the family. A feeling of dread settled in Lilac’s stomach.
“Is Yas, okay?” she asked, almost afraid of the answer. 
“She’ll be fine. Martha is working with her to stop the bleeding.” 
“Should I wash the baby?” she offered.
“Thank you.” Katrina nodded before retracing her steps back into Yas’s room. Leaving Lilac holding the newest family member in her arms.
“Shh, it’s going to be okay, Bubba,” she soothed, tucking the infant closer to her body. He would be cared for. She would see to it.
“Is that our new baby?” Mae, her younger sister, watched in awe as Lilac dipped the child into a tub of water.
“It sure is.” She smiled as the baby settled into the water, enjoying its warmth. It always amazed her how a tub of water could settle a baby so fast. 
“Can we keep him?” 
“You know, Mae, it’s not for us to decide. It will be up to The Master.”
Tee Smith is a romantic suspense Indie author. She has been publishing for three years and has a total of fifteen titles available. Eight novels and seven novellas. If you love a bit of mystery and mayhem, she’s your girl.

Living in a tiny country town in Western Australia, Tee makes the most of every opportunity she can, to get out and see the world. She had visited the U.S, Malaysia, Indonesia and New Zealand and has many more adventures planned… along with many more novels. 
Tee has always been creative, but didn’t start writing to publish, until after she turned forty, bringing with her a multitude of life experiences. She believes there is something for everyone, inside the pages of her books.



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