Release; Chasing The Sunrise

 Title: Chasing the Sunrise

Duet: The Young Hearts Duet #2 

Author: H.A. Robinson

Genre: YA M/M Romance

Release Date: October 23, 2018

At sixteen years old, Tom Williams has spent his entire life pretending to be someone he’s not. 

The perfect son. 

The perfect student. 

The perfect friend. 

After so long, it seems impossible he’ll find the courage to truly be himself, whoever that is.

And then he falls for his best friend—the one person in the world he knows he can never have. 

Good looking, charismatic and popular, Luke Chang is everything Tom wants, and everything he wishes he could be. 

There’s only one problem.

Luke is straight and thinks that Tom is, too.

As the wrong-shaped boxes get increasingly tighter and harder to force himself into, Tom has to make a choice between a lifetime of conforming or shedding the mould he’s struggling to fit and allowing himself the happiness he can’t quite believe he deserves.

H. A. Robinson is a jet-setting billionaire with a home on each continent, who spends her free time saving kittens from trees and babies from burning buildings. A graduate of Hogwarts and a frequent visitor to Narnia, she drinks coffee in Central Perk and tames dragons on Westeros. 

In her dreams… 

In reality, she’s a support worker living in a small town in Cheshire, who would almost always choose fantasy over reality. She’s been an obsessive reader from the moment she picked up her first Enid Blyton book, more years ago than she cares to admit, and enjoys nothing more than getting lost in new worlds and adventures from the minds of all the amazing authors out there. 
She’s had the voices of characters in her head for as long as she can remember, and puts them down on paper in order to convince herself and the men in white coats that she isn’t crazy.



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