Foster An Author; 20 Questions With Jamie Summer

Book Talkers, all week we've featured books by Jamie Summer for Foster An Author 2018. Today I would love to introduce you to the woman herself! I've loved getting to know her and her work, she's so sweet. So without further ado, here are 20 questions with Jamie Summer: 

Hi Jamie! To start off, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself? 

Hi everyone, I’m Jamie, a writer, reader, coffee lover and all around happy person (ask my friends, I’m the one with the big smile on my face. I live in Germany with my husband and two kids and have been published for about two and a half years now. Besides writing I love reading (so many good books out there), spending time with my friends and families and watching way too much TV.

What has been the best experience so far on your journey as an author?

The people I met have been the best part, no doubt. I have been privileged enough to meet some incredible people during my time so far, both online and in person, and I wouldn’t miss that for a thing.

Do you plot your novels or are you a panster? 

I’m a pantser, who’s trying her hand at plotting these days. So right now I would say I’m right in the middle. I wanna learn how to plot, so that’s one of the things I’m trying to work on. However, I’m still a pantser at heart, let’s be real LOL.

How do you come up with the titles of your novels? 

Titles are hard for me. Besides the blurb, the hardest. Sometimes they come really easy (for example for my contemporary romance “Restless Storm” the title was just there) but most of the times I’m absolutely clueless and call them all Untitled #1 and so on. In the end, I look at the story itself and try to find something I can use for the title.

Which of your books have been your favorite and your hardest to write and why?

My favorite so far has been “Restless Storm”. It was a story I dreamt and I ended up writing the whole story within four weeks, which is super fast for me. I loved writing about Jake and Maddie. The, I don’t think any of my books were hard overall. The issue I have with most of them is that I get stuck on most of them in the middle (another reason I wanna work on plotting). For some reason in that area my brain just shuts down and it takes me a little bit to get back into it. Once that happens, it usually goes okay until the end. 

Who has inspired you the most?

My bestie Sam Destiny. She was the one who got me addicted to writing. We would write fanfics during our school days and she was the one who encouraged me to publish the first story I ever wrote on my own. It was scary, but she was there to hold my hand.

How has your life changed since you've been published?

Not a whole lot so far. I work the same day job and overall live a pretty normal life. I use my commute to work to do all the author things (I’m not one of those night owls at all, I can’t write at night to save my life) and spend a bit more time in front of the computer. My dream is to someday be able to earn enough to stay home and write aaaaaall day.

What advice can you give to any aspiring authors? What do you think are some common traps they should be aware of?

I would say that the first thing is to listen. Learn. Word of mouth is a huge thing in the author business and you should listen to that. There will be mistakes either way, it’s bound to happen. Grow a thick skin. It’ll all be worth it. For the friends you’ll make and the fans you’ll meet.

Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest? We love recommendations!

Mh, I will be honest, I haven’t had much time to read, so I’ve been sticking to my favorites. Sam Destiny, currently also reading Staci Hart’s newest “Player”. I can’t wait to get back to my favorite genre fantasy as well. Which there would be more hours in the day.

What is the biggest surprise you have experienced since becoming an author?

I can’t really say, to be honest. I think in a positive way how supportive people are, and yet also how hateful others can be. I’m a positive person, so I have a hard time understanding where those feelings come from. I get jealousy for sure, but downright hate is just something I can’t get behind.

Can you give us some insight on any other upcoming projects?

I’m currently writing the third novella in my “Game On” series. Once that is done, I have another romance I wanna get done. I have so many ideas in my head that I wanna write about, again, there need to be more hours in the day.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve gotten in regards to writing?

Pour your heart and soul in it. If you don’t feel it no one else will.

Are any of your characters a reflection of yourself?

Absolutely. All of my main characters have something of myself in them. Be it a character trait, something they like, dislike. I love that about writing. Plus. It’s always easier writing about things personal to you.

What is the one thing you have to have while writing?

Usually music. Quiet, but it needs to be on. I can do writing without music, but if I have the choice, music is always on. Also has to be something related to the story I’m writing.
As an author, what would you choose as your mascot?

Oh gee, we don’t really have mascots here in Germany so I don’t know that many. I would definitely be something happy and cheerful, because I think that’s the kind of person I am. Or like to be.

What book do you wish you’d written? It can be a different version of your own book, a book you loved reading, or a well-known book. And why?

I think “It Ends With Us” by Colleen Hoover. She has such a way of having the story sneak up on you and the message of the book itself is a strong and important one.

We want to get to know you. Tell us three random fact about yourself:

I used to play soccer when I was younger, which is one of the reasons I love writing my current novella series. 

I also binge watch too many TV shows, and crime shows like Criminal Minds, NCIS or Bull are my favorites.

 Last but certainly not least, I loooove singing. All kinds of music, too, and I’m a huge sucker for Disney movies and their music.

Have you ever had inspiration hit you at an odd time or place? If so, what do you do? 

I do. Usually in the shower, which is the case for most writers I think. I try to remember until I can scribble something down, and for the most part it works.

What is something memorable you have heard from one of your readers?

I had one reader tell me how much my book hit home for them. That was epic. Touching a person emotionally is one of the main things I want to accomplish, so this compliment truly touched me.

What’s something you wished I asked in this interview?

What’s my favorite food? How much coffee do I drink? LOL

Huge thanks to Jamie Summer for hanging out with us this week! We've loved hosting her. And a huge thank you to the Foster An Author Team, and to you Book Talkers, because none of this would be possible without the support. 

<3 Abri


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