Release Blitz; Rogue

Chris and Lexi Denton led what they considered a normal life.

Lexi worked as a dance instructor at a local studio, and Chris was a successful broker at a firm in downtown Miami, Florida.

When Chris gets entangled with a crime boss who utilizes his talent for numbers to cover up deadly secrets, the pair soon discover much more than just Carlos Mandini’s dark secrets, they discover their own.

Chris and Lexi Denton are not who they believed.

As they run for their lives from Mandini and his organization, who they are and what they are capable of, begins to surface. Their pasts are remembered, memories the government thought they had wiped out; the very government that created them.

Now locked in a struggle for their right to even exist, they soon find themselves combating others like them—enhanced government projects created since birth to supplement and aid other military projects. In a run for their lives they discover what they’re capable of, incredible feats of mental and physical strength and skill.

Those in charge neglected to factor in the most important lesson Chris and Lexi learned on their own...

Love supersedes science.

Culminating in an explosive ending that will leave the reader breathless, the two make it their mission to do what they know must be done—assure the Lz Project is not only destroyed, but can never be reactivated...

Even if it means they sacrifice themselves.

About The Authors 


Steve Soderquist was quite a successful musician twenty-odd years ago and spent many years on the road. He was with numerous bands before finally settling down to a more regular life. However, the writing bug kept biting at him. Steve had started a book called, 'Mind’s Eye' when he was seventeen and it never left him. Even though the writing muscle had certainly atrophied, he was getting that tickle like you get in the back of your throat when a cold is coming on. 

Publishing his first novella 'One for the Road' motivated him to propel. When 'Farm House' was complete and those blessed two words were put down, 'THE END' he knew he found his calling.

Following up with the science fiction thriller, 'Seeds' then co-writing the romance thriller 'Rogue' with author Laura Ranger, Steve finished the short children's story 'The Littlest Princess' and is currently working on two more titles. 


Laura Ranger is a natural storyteller. She has been turning all of life into stories since she was very young. This mother of one, grandmother of three began actually writing her fictitious stories down to the delight of her friends and family. She’s been writing her tales for over twenty years. She became a published author when she put one of her short stories in a Christmas anthology in support of feeding children around the world, entitled Eight ‘Til Christmas. Once she saw one of her stories in print, she will tell you she can’t stop.
In addition to co-authoring Rogue, she has a novel called Lessons, which is almost complete. She envisions parents reading with their children. Laura discovered while writing the book, the lessons throughout the story speak to both children and adults. Additionally, she has contracted her novel Deception with Mélange Books, LLC to be released next year. She is currently writing a novel on good versus evil called Royalty, and new stories coming to her all the time.

Laura will tell you, “God blessed me with a natural gift of storytelling; it is up to me to use that gift to the best of my ability.”


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