Book Tour; Pennies

“A beaten slave and a richly dressed thief. Money is what guided their separate fates. Money is what brought them together. And money is ultimately what destroys them.”

Meet Elder in PENNIES,

Pepper Winters’ newest Dark Romance Series!

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“At 18 I had pennies, but money didn’t make me bold. At 19 I had dollars, but it didn’t dull the pain of being sold. At 20 I had hundreds, but then I met him and was found. At 21 I had thousands, but all I wanted was to be bound.”

“At 23 I had dollars, but life changed and made me rich. At 25 I had hundreds, but it wasn’t enough to stop my killing itch. At 27 I had thousands, but my reputation didn’t set me free. At 29 I had millions, but I met her and could finally see.”

Tasmin was killed on her 18th birthday.
 She had everything planned out.
 A psychology degree, a mother who pushed her to greatness, and a future anyone would die for. 
But then her murderer saved her life, only to sell her into a totally different existence.

Elder went from penniless to stinking rich with one twist of fate. 
His lifetime of crime and shadows of thievery are behind him but no matter the power he now wields, it’s not enough.
 He has an agenda to fulfil and he won’t stop until it’s complete.

But then they meet.

A beaten slave and a richly dressed thief. 
Money is what guided their separate fates. 
Money is what brought them together.
 And money is ultimately what destroys them.

She was poor.

He was rich.
Together…they were bankrupt. 


Fuck this.

I stalked forward.

My hand came up.

The urge to soothe her catapulted my fingers to her cheek. My skin erupted from her delicate heat. I’d already had my single touch when I’d petted her hair. I wasn’t permitted a second.

But it didn’t stop me.

One second, she stood close, arching her chin at the door.

The next, she was across the cage, flying into a stack of boxes that tumbled in a clatter of butcher knives, butter knives, and sharp forks.

Her eyes turned luminous in the gloom, locking on mine with rage.


I’d forgotten myself by feeling sorry for this beaten wraith, but she hadn’t forgotten her overwhelming hatred of men.

I didn’t look away. But I didn’t explain myself, either.

I’d borrowed her for the night. If I wanted to touch her, I could. The fact that she’d leapt away meant I could report her to her master and have her punished.

Or you could punish her instead.
The distance between us grew thicker as we breathed fast.

I waited…wanting to know just how deep her education in pleasure flowed. Tearing her gaze from mine, she swallowed hard. Piece by piece, she hid her loathing, replacing it with reluctant acceptance.

Inching closer, her toes nudged aside sharp blades as she made her way to me and fell to her knees on the cold concrete.

Half of me jolted with insane lust. Most of me shied away with repulsion as her straggly hair covered her face but not before I saw the twisted disgust and echoing despair.

“Get up,” I murmured. Even though my voice was low, the cavern of the garage amplified it, layering it with bite.

Instantly, she swooped up. The crackle of her joints and misused cartilage in her bones sounded like tiny gunfire.

“Don’t kneel. Not in here.” 

So I'm at a lost of how to review this book. This is only my second Pepper Winters book. But by no means will it be my last. I have to know what happens next. 
Pepper Winters is the queen of Dark books. It's as simple as that. Even knowing what she could do, I was not expecting this book. 
Of course, I knew some of what to expect going in, you can infer from the teasers and the blurb. But you can't know the full extent unless you actually read the book. 
Pennies is unlike anything I've ever read before. It's dark, in every way possible. It hurts, becasue it's not the type of book you should like, but ultimately you can't help but enjoy reading it.  
Tasmin goes through multiple transformations throughout the course of the book. These aren't just ordinary transformations either. They're hard to read. She goes from a young naive girl, to a scarred young woman, to a jaded woman. And who can blame her? The shit she is forced to endure is horrible. 
Throughout it all she tries to hold onto her sanity. She tries to keep a piece of herself safe as she spends years in her hell. 
Elder. Fucking Elder. I tried not to love him. I really did. But it was almost impossible. 
I know some people have a thing for the villain. But I don't. But is he really the villain? Yes. And no. I don't know what the fuck Elder is to be honest. And that makes him that much more sexy in my eyes. 
When Elder came into the picture I wasn't sure what to expect. I didn't know whether to love him or hate him. So I do a little of both I suppose. Let me just say that he is not a good guy. At all. He shouldn't be around Tasmin. But then, he's the best thing that has happened to her in two years.  
So love him or hate him, Elder is definitely a character you want to get to know.  
I have no problem reading difficult scenes. I have plenty of dark book under my belt. But Pepper doesn't go into extreme detail. At least not completely. Pennies is almost tame compared to what I was expecting. Of course we can infer all we want. But I don't know if our imaginations could ever do what happened to Tasmin justice. 
That's not to say I expect the whole series to be 'tame'. I don't. It is a Pepper Winters book. It is a Dark Romance. 
Pennies spans the period of two years, giving us the transformation of Tasmin into Pim and back again. It introduces us to the enigma that is Elder Prest. 
I can't wait to see what Dollars brings us. 
*Quote- "Don't judge. Listen." 
"I'm strong enough to obey." -Pim
"I vaguely remembered my mother saying sometimes clothes were more provocative than downright nakedness." -Pim
"Reverence for those wiser, older, and smarter than you. Appreciation for those kinder, genteler, and nicer than you. And utmost worship for those who could fucking annihilate you without a single thought." 

Pre-order the Entire Series HERE!

Dollars (Book Two)

Release date to be determined


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Hundreds (Book Three)

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Thousands (Book Four)

Release date to be determined

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Millions (Book Five)

Release date to be determined

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About the Author

Pepper Winters wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex... her books have sex.

She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends.

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