Book Talk Review; Untimley You

The dark mind of K Webster brings us a new Contemporary Romance...

He can't love her. It simply won't work. Besides, he's already bound to the prison he created. A life that owns him.

She craves to help him. She'll make it work. His secrets test the limits of her sanity and morals. Yet he owns her.

The chains will break free.
The demon will be released.
And he'll be hungry for...her.

Will their untimely love overcome the past and create a living, breathing future?


Or, they might just go crazy...

***This book is a contemporary romance standalone.***


So, I'm used to K Webster and her dark twisted mind, because it feeds the darkness of my soul. But she also writes Contemporary Romance. Shocking right?  

Her Contemporary is just as good as her Dark. I don't think I will ever find a K Webster book that I don't like. There's something about her words that calls to me. Every single time she says she has a new book, I'm there with my grabby little hands. 

Untimely You is just the book I needed to read, it had me tearing up, it had me loving, it had me feeling. 

The only thing I can really say I didn't care for was that it ended so quickly. But I can't really nit-pick so much. Because anything else would have felt drawn out and unnecessary. 

No, I can't say anything bad about this book. I also can't say much about this book. There is just so much you have to experience. 

The prologue had me tearing up, but that's not really a surprise. A lot of prologue cause me to tear up. There's just something about those short little beginnings that steal my breath. I know their supposed to keep us on our toes and cause us to be excited for the big revelations in the book. But my poor heart can only take so much. 

Moving on to the actual book. 

K Webster knows how to throw two characters together who absolutely need to be together. It's exciting because it means she knows what she's doing. It means we're going to get the most out of the relationship. 

I saw one of the little twists coming. It doesn't happen until further into the book, but I knew it was going to happen. It was just right. 

What I did not expect however, was the main twist. The one that broke my heart, the one that changed my whole idea about Untimely You. 

That title. God, that is the perfect title for this book. K Webster always has the best titles for her books, they always make sense. But this one, it meant so much. 

This book is so much more about an untimely love. It's so much more than two people finding each other at the wrong time. 

Adrian and Neesy work, becasue they weren't supposed to work. Untimely You is the reminder that love can come at any time, even if we don't want it to. 

Neesy is the biggest clutz on the planet, she reminds me of myself, she basically trips over air. 

Adrian is demanding, he's brooding, he's intense. He's everything we shouldn't love, but do. 

He's a complete ass at times, but the reasons why are justified. And he actively works to fix himself as the book goes on. So we can respect him, and we can respect Neesy, because neither one of them ignores the issues. 

K Webster is able to make her couples look like real life couples. She doesn't ignore the hard stuff and that is what I love and respect about her.

Untimely You is amazing book about finding love at the wrong and right times. It's about working out the difficulties and choosing what makes your heart happy, even if it seems impossible. 

*Quote- "I hear her. Not just the way her voice rises as she speaks with passion or as it speeds up with every word. I listen to what she's saying." -Adrian

"It's as if only two hearts beat on the whole earth-his and mine." -Neesy 



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