Book Talk Review; This Is War, Baby

This is the hardest book I've ever had to read. This book broke me...

This is War, Baby by K. Webster
 Publication Date: February 29, 2016 
Genres: Contemporary, Dark Romance 

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My life had a plan. 
Until he invaded it and stole it all away.
 My captor took me and I became a pawn. 
His strategy changed and he sent me away to WAR, because money is everything in this world. 
In my WAR, though, I found peace. 
I couldn’t help but find love where I least expected it, with a man who lived a battle every day of his life …all inside his head. 
But then my captor came back for me. 
Yet, this time, battle lines had been drawn and I was protected. 
So we thought.
 Even though my WAR was raging, my captor would fight to the death.
 The good guys always win, right? 
Not always. 
All’s fair in love and WAR, right? 
Not this time. 
Warning: This is War, Baby is a dark romance. A really dark one. So dark you’re going to wish you had a flashlight to see yourself to the end and someone to hold your hand. Human trafficking, dubious consent, and strong sexual themes that could trigger emotional distress are found in this story. This story is NOT for everyone.

 (I do not take credit for these edits. I got them off of Facebook from K Webster's page/ TIWB Discussion group)

Holy Fuck. Get used to those words because I'm going to be saying them a whole lot most likely. 

I was lucky enough to get this book early. And wow, let me tell you this, it was completely different than my norm. 

Y'all know I'm big on romance books. I live and breathe them. They are my heart and soul. 

This book, however, is not like that. No, this book is something else entirely. 

This book is a test. It plays with your mind. Fucks with your heart. And destroys your soul. 

And I loved every single second of it. I cannot tell you how much I loved this book. 

Baylee is a girl who got thrust into a world that is so vile, it makes even the most twisted step back. 

I'm going to be honest, books like this are not my forte. Anyone who's followed me for a while knows that I have a thing for romance. I love HEAs, even if I believe in realistic non-HEAs. 

I love romance books that remind me why I love romance books. I love books that make me feel things. I love books with tons of angst. 


This book made me feel things. 

Some good things and some not so good things. (Though I love the not so good things) Don't tell. 
 No spoilers, but I'll tell you this. 

This book will make you hate it, you will hate the author, you will hate yourself, because for some strange reason you will like what is being done to the MC. 

And then you will love it. You will fall in love with the words, you will (strangelyfall in love with the pain. You will fall in love with the author. You will fall in love with Baylee and War. 

So, I have to warn you, this book will not be easy to get through. But it is worth it. It is worth every single torture, every single tear. 

War and Baylee hold a special place in my heart. And while I think K Webster is a twisted sadistic person, I love her

This book was able to turn my mind. What I once would have shied away from, I want more of. I want to read every single one of her books, in the hopes that they can cure this need in me. 

This book fucking broke me. Something inside me broke. I can't even describe what. When I realized that this book was fucked up, more than I initially thought, I was afraid. I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to do it. 

But I was wrong. I love this book with everything I have. I always knew I was fucked in the head, but now I see how fucked up I really am

I can't tell you anymore. I just wish you luck on your journey, because this book is a journey. 

I wish I could say that you'll fall in over heels in love with this book, but I can't. Because you might not. You might hate the feelings it gives you, you might hate that you come to care for the fucked up nature of this book. 

Trust me, when I say that it is all worth it. 

*Quote-   "She was meant to be mine. And she will be. The girl isn't ready yet, but I will teach her. Drag her through hell and then hold her on the other side. Nurse her soul back to health and heal all the broken parts of her. I'll be the sun and moon in her world. All thoughts will revert back to me. Always." -Gabe

"The devil is my savior." -Baylee

"My eyes fly to his and they flicker with excitement. I also don't miss the adoring way he inspects me. That will be his weakness in the end..." -Baylee

"One tiny ray of hope. And I cling to it desperately. She's my hope. I absolutely must convince her to stay." -War

She revive dead parts of me. She's the sun, water, and earth. And I'm a seed that has hope to grow into something strong and beautiful. Because of her." -War



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