Book Talk Review; Break Even

  I so wasn't ready for this book. But I wouldn't change a thing, I was so surprised by this book, it's hard to do that nowadays. So many thoughts...

 My story isn’t a love story … not the typical kind anyway.
As a lawyer, I’m used to discovery, but I never saw this one coming.

 Every day, River gives me ten reasons to stay away, and then eleven reasons why I can't. Our relationship was to remain strictly business, or at least I tried.

 Four years of marriage, and everything with Cole has changed. I never knew two people who lived together could be so distant. But I’m not ready to give up on him.

 One man wants to break me.
The other is just trying to get even.

 Both are lying to me.

 I was so not ready for this book. My view of Lisa De Jong has changed. I'm having to think really hard about what to say about this book. 

 Lisa has managed to evoke some emotion in me during every single one of her books.  Usually it's devastating emotions, but still. 

 I didn't feel that with this book. Not because there was no emotion in it, but because I understood it better. Does that make sense? 

 I appreciated the way that Marley handled the situations that she was placed in. Normally I find some fault in the actions of the characters, especially when they are "put" into these types of situations. 

 1. I am not going to give you and spoilers. 

 2. I believe that you put yourself in certain types of situations, fictional character or not. 

 That's just how I feel. 

 Anyways, I feel that Marley can't be hated, or judged, or whatever, for the choices she makes in this book. She deserves to make these type of situations.  

 *Note- This is not a cheating book. I've read cheating books, and this is not one of them. Everyone is entitled to their opinion on what makes a cheating book, but this isn't a cheating book in mine.  

 This is book is made to make you think. Once everything comes into light and you see just how twisted it is, it makes you change the opinions you formed at the beginning. 

 I think after the revelation things moved a little fast, after Marley kicked some ass it seemed that her life moved on quite quickly. Not that I'm complaining, I couldn't have dealt with the other shit she had to go through. Not after my mind was completely fucked. But I would have liked to have been shown rather than told. 

 Other than that I really enjoyed reading this book. I'm used to these romances with plenty of angst and a guy to swoon over, that's what I've come to expect from Lisa, but now that expectation has changed. And that's a good thing, nobody wants to write/read the same shit over and over again. 

 It's good to broaden your horizons, but when they fuck with your mind you get a little weary. Like as excited as I am about the next book Lisa has up her sleeve, Hear Me Now, I'm scared what's in store for us. 

 I was surprised by the fact that I didn't cry. Lie. Okay so I teared up a little toward the end because there was no way I was going to be able to hold it in (You'll understand if you read the book)  but other that than I was dry-eyed. 

 I think it had to do with the fact that I agreed with the book. I don't know how to explain it. I just agreed with the actions Marley took. I agreed so much with what was said about love and marriage. 

 This is a turning point for me the reader, and for Lisa the author. We both expanded our horizons with this book. And we're better for it. 

 So if you're ready to take a roller-coaster then go and buy this book. It is amazing. One of my top reads of 2015-which is saying something since I read a lot this year.  

 Give this book a chance you won't be disappointed. 

 *Quote- "Blame is a hard thing to cast when you can't recall when things started to go so wrong." -Marley

              "The one who made me believe in love shouldn't also be the one who makes me doubt it." -Marley

              "The promise of forever is no longer guaranteed." -Marley

              "I'm not the guy, but I'd like to be the one to show you what you're missing." -River


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