Release; Rubby Jam

Title: Rubby Jam: A Novel of Love and Addiction

Author: Daniel Sadikov

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Release Date: May 12, 2019

When the life of his beloved girlfriend is in danger, he will do anything to save her.

Eric, a handsome young man, falls for Estie, a gorgeous, free-spirited stripper who likes living on the edge. Her uninhibited world, so different from his, intrigues him, and he is curious to find out more.

At the beginning their relationship is electrifying, but over time, Eric is drawn deeper into Estie’s edgy world and decides not only to observe but to also take part. He dabbles in drugs, but addiction was not part of his plan.

When they discover that Estie’s health is in danger, Eric takes a huge risk to save her life and gets involved in a crime that might cost them their freedom.

Daniel Sadikov spent his recent years surfing around the world while working odd jobs to support himself and enable those trips.

When he writes, he discovers things about himself, and when he reads, he discovers things about life. He hopes his readers will find their inner truth between the lines of what he has written.
Today, Sadikov lives in Tel Aviv with his wife and their cat, who just loves squatting on the keyboard just as the muses strike Daniel with inspiration.
Follow Daniel on Instagram @danielsadikov or Facebook.



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