Book Talk Review; Worth The Fight

The Evil Word Magician broke me

Justin and Micah Townsend thought they had it all. With six happy years behind them, Keith tumbles into their world and throws the expectations for their life and their future to the wind.

Keith Warren thought he'd made the right decisions. After fleeing an abusive partner and starting over in a new city, he's now getting an education about things he never knew existed. With Justin and Micah leading the way, Keith focuses his energy on being a good submissive and a deserving partner.

Micah is quick to see the good Keith can bring to his marriage, but Justin is hesitant. Thinking toward the future, Justin's only concern has always been keeping Micah, and his heart, safe. His worst fears come true when Keith vanishes out of their lives, and his guard is up when he unexpectedly returns.

Justin, Micah, and Keith come together once again in an explosion of desire that forces Micah to admit he wants more than his husband and requires Justin to recognize he has room in his heart for not one, but two partners. With their support, Keith battles against the demons of his youth, making strides towards a life none of them ever dreamed they could have.

But Keith's past becomes all of their present in a shocking fight for dominance that leaves the foundation they've built together shattered. Justin, Micah, and Keith need to find strength to fight through yet another test of their love to reach the happy ending they all deserve.

Book Talkers quick warning: if none of this review makes sense it's because Kate Hawthorne broke me. 

I don't even know how to start with this book. Because I do not give spoilers I have to say that if you've read Worth The Wait, then you know what is coming pretty early on in the book. That incident had me in tears and those tears continued until about 60% of the way through the book. Not all of them were sad tears, some were happy, some were relieved, but there were tears. I can say that I probably cried enough to fill up a lake. 

Justin, Micah, and Keith have been through it. The past two books have teased about them, but it isn't until we get to read their book that we understand just how deep their relationship is. Getting to see them build something after all the hurt is beautiful. If only it were easy. 

I'll be honest, I was prepared to not like Justin. Not because I thought he was a bad guy or anything, because Kate Hawthrone doesn't write those types of characters, but the way he acted in both of the first two books, the way he acts for some of this book, it hurt. I understand it. The more I got to know him the clearer he became, but I expected it to be hard to love him. Justin is demanding, he's gruff, he's a Daddy who's not a Daddy. He's also protective of those he loves. So it's understandable that after the first attempt to build something with Keith he would want to protect himself and his husband. When you put it that way it's understandable. He's the Dom, he's the protector, it's his weight to carry when both his and Micah's hearts are broken. Because of that, because I saw just what type of person he is, I fell in love. It took time, but he's probably my favorite after Keith. 

Micah is sweet. His heart is big and I love how much he loved both his men. Micah pushed, himself, Justin, and Keith. Not into anything neither of them wanted, but he helped push them into realizing what was there. My heart went out to him because all he wanted was to love and be loved by his men. He wanted to please, he wanted to submit, but he didn't want to do it alone. It was beautiful and heartbreaking and it was everything. 

Keith, oh poor Keith. The Evil Word Magician lived up to her name when she was writing Keith. The things she put him through hurt my heart so much. I wanted to love him, I wanted to hug him, I wanted to give him everything he ever needed to never feel alone, scared, and unloved ever again. I cried so much for him. I hurt for him. I loved for him. He deserved so much and I am so glad that he finally got it in Micah and Justin. Even when he was learning the rules, being punished, learning about himself, it was perfect. His self-confidence grew by being with Micah and Justin, he learned what love really was, he learned how to take back his life and it was a beautiful thing to read. Even though Kate is mean, she knows how to develop her characters. 

This book is a beautiful book full of emotion. Full of characters who evolve from the first page to the last. It has some turns I did not see coming but make perfect sense in the end. Kate Hawthrone wrote three characters who need the love and the strength of each other. Justin might be the one in charge, Micah and Keith may be putting their love and trust in his capable hands, but they show just how equal they are. It's one of the things I love about Kate's books. She shows how these types of relationships should work. She writes characters that are more than just Doms and subs. She writes characters who break, who have been broken, who are loved and love. She shows their vulnerability, she shows their strength. It's a beautiful thing to see. Kate Hawthrone may be an Evil Word Magician, but she's also an amazing author. 

I knew something was going to happen. I've read enough books to know that things get worse before they get better. I just never expected what happened. It broke me. I went from crying my eyes out to being all loved up because things were perfect, to broken into a million tiny pieces. Knowing something is going to happen and having something happen are two very different things. 

It's like Kate has something against the number three. I haven't cried straight through a book since Love Comes After, which is both the third book in the Lonely Hearts series and a menage. Worth The Fight is the third book in the Giving Consent series and a menage. So the conspiracy theory side of my brain is wondering just what the Evil Word Magician has against the number three. I'm going to be cautious from now on if she writes both another series and another menage. I'll have tissues on standby and maybe some alcohol. 

To be honest, I don't know what else to say. This book is beautiful, it's heartbreaking, it's full of love and hope and second chances. Keith gets a second chance at life, at love, at being himself. Micah and Justin get a second chance at showing Keith just how good they could be together. The three of them get a second chance at being each other's everything. The title of this book is perfect because the love and life these three characters end up with was worth all the fighting they had to do to end up together. 


"Justin stared down at him, a mix of want and worry marring his features. Keith turned his head and pressed a tentative kiss to the side of Justin's hand. Justin smiled and cupped his cheek and Keith leaned into the touch, relaxing and letting his eyes fall closed. This was what he wanted—this feeling of acceptance, of safety, of being wanted." 

"I promise you this though, little mouse, you're safe here, you are desired, you are wanted...And you are so very loved." 

"Keith tangled his fingers together, suddenly aware of how truly exposed he was, physically and emotionally. He closed his eyes, a wave of unexpected tears ready to wash over him. Keith pulled his lips between his Teeth and bit hard, squeezing his eyes closed tighter as he fought against the realization that somehow, somewhere along the line, Justin had spilt him apart and laid him bare." 

"Micah is my better half, but you will forever be my braver half." 



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