Exclusive Excerpt Reveal; When It's Time

When It’s Time (Go Your Own Way #3) by Zane Riley

Publisher: Interlude Press

Release Date: January 18, 2018

Subgenre: LGBT/Romance/Interracial/New Adult

Book blurb:

In the New Adult series that began with Go Your Own Way, Will Osbourne and Lennox McAvoy must now face the challenges of a long distance relationship that will determine their future. 
Despite the fulfillment of his childhood dream, Will is suffocating in too-loud, too-dirty, too-busy New York City. 
Lennox, who has always relied on Will for guidance, is thriving in Boston without him. 
As Lennox embraces his promising new life and rediscovers old family, Will searches for a future of his own that won’t tear them apart.

Buy links:

Interlude Press: https://store.interludepress.com/collections/when-its-time-by-zane-riley

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2AEpb1s

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/when-its-time/id1315034782?mt=11

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/757581

Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/when-its-time-zane-riley/1127398253?ean=9781945053504

Book Depository: https://www.bookdepository.com/When-Its-Time-Zane-Riley/9781945053504/?a_aid=InterludePress

Exclusive Teaser Excerpt:

As Will settled against his chest again, Lennox gazed at the ceiling.

Every day it got harder to say anything about Boston and New York. Leaving Will seemed insane. Yet not going to Berklee was impossible. He had to see this through, no matter what the outcome. The haze of Berklee on the horizon was warmer and steadier every day. That sun was rising, and soon it would be his turn to rise with it.

“You’ll be fine,” Will said. “It’s okay to be scared of being on your own.”

Lennox sat up abruptly, knocking Will off him. “I have been on my own before. I made it this far without any help.”

“No, I meant as an—”

“What? An adult? Done that too,” Lennox said and he could feel his defenses going up like cement hardening in his veins. “I might have been eight, but I took care of myself and my baby sister while you were sitting around crying over Legos.”

Will’s hand squeezed his shoulder. “I know.”

Lennox gritted his teeth. “Sorry. I’ll be fine at Berklee. You don’t need to worry about me; I’ve been on my own before and I figured it out. Worry about yourself.”

Author Bio:

Zane Riley is a transgender writer who wrote his first work of fan fiction in the fourth grade. He is a recent transplant to Vancouver, Washington where he spends his time watching long-distance baseball games, hiking, and exploring the musical depths of the Internet. His first two novels, Go Your Own Way and With or Without You, were published by Interlude Press.

Connect with Zane Riley:

Facebook: http://facebook.com/zanenebula/

Tumblr: https://twitter.com/ZaneNebula

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZaneNebula
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