Cover Reveal; When Autumn Ends

Title: When Autumn Ends

Author: Beth Rinyu
Genre: Romance/Mystery

Release Date: February 19, 2018

I was at the top of my game until reality hit in a way I had never imagined, forcing me to face the living hell that had become my life. The ghosts and demons that once filled the pages of my bestselling novels now flooded my mind, consuming my thoughts both day and night. 
She was hauntingly beautiful, and I was drawn to her in the most unimaginable way. 
She was my breath when I had stopped breathing. 
She was my hope when I was drowning in despair. 
She was my muse when I had lost all motivation. 
But nothing good lasted—not in my world anyway.
Like the last days of autumn when the beautiful leaves are stripped away by the long winter days, lurking in the distance; her caring ways and gentle soul were only temporary. 

Soon it would be taken from me, leaving my heart as barren as those once majestic trees. But unlike those autumn days, she remained, giving me the courage to face the cold, dark winter of my past while uncovering secrets and lies that could be the premise of a bestseller. 

Only, this wasn’t fiction, this was my reality—a reality I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.

“That was really so cool. I can’t thank you enough for taking me.” She gazed over at me as she put on her seatbelt.
“It really wasn’t that big of a deal.”
“It was for me. I usually don’t get to do fun stuff like this. My weekends were always used to go over manuscripts that I didn’t have time to finish during the week. Now they’re just filled with spending it with stuffy old lawyers and their uppity wives while Brad tries to impress them. He would never dream of coming to a place like this, no matter how much I loved it.”Letting out a deep sigh, she pulled her sunglasses over her eyes. “So, thank you for giving me this once in a lifetime opportunity.”
I shifted back to park just as I was about to back out. “So that’s it. Once you get married, you’re never going do the things you want to do again?”
“Well, I-I didn’t say —”
It wasn’t my business, and I was totally overstepping the boundaries of whatever type of bizarre relationship we had, but it was like she totally let this guy control her. “Why does this place have to be a once in a lifetime for you?”
“I just meant, I’ll probably never make it back here again.”
“Why?” I demanded.
“I don’t know…geeze!” she let out a nervous laugh.
“Don’t let anyone take away your autumn.”
“I don’t understand what you’re saying.”
“Look at the trees around you. What do you see?”
She moved her sunglasses back to the top of her head and looked out the window. “An explosion of reds, oranges and yellows. It’s beautiful,” she whispered, focusing her attention back to me.
“Don’t let anyone strip that beauty away from you and fill it with the cold barren days of winter. Because once they do, it will never come back again.”
Her deep brown eyes burned into mine, holding all the power as if they were exploring the deepest depth of my soul. “You can still get it back, you know.” Her voice wavered.
Breaking her gaze, I stared straight ahead and whispered, “I don’t want it back."
Ever since I can remember, I have always enjoyed Creative Writing. There was always something about being able to travel to a different place or become a different person with just the stroke of a pen - or in today's world a touch of the keyboard. I am the author of The Exception To The Rule, An Unplanned series, Drowning In Love, A Cry for Hope, A Will To Change, Blind Side of Love, Three of a Kind series, Easy Silence, and A Right To Remain.


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