Book Talk Review; Becasue Of Ellison

 It's a New Book Talk, this time I'm going to be talking about a book I have recently read and adored. It was a recommendation from this blog I follow on Facebook, you will notice that I did not do an Author Talk on the author. I will talk about that later in a different post. Now on to the book

 When I was nineteen years old, I lived for sex, drugs and a good party. I had it all - good looks, a fast car and a hot girlfriend. Nothing in life was more important.

 That was, until I met Ellison James….

 Since the moment I first saw her she was a raging bull; tackling me in the mud and throwing out insults as fast as her tongue could form the sound.

 She was snarky
 She was rude
 And she pissed me off like no other woman could.

 I lived beside her for a summer and in the three months that I walked by her side...

 She opened my eyes
 She changed my life
 And she made me a better man

 ***Disclaimer - this book is intended for mature audiences only. This book is also an emotional journey. Tissues are optional, but not required.
 I did not require the use of tissues while reading this book. While taking this journey along with Hunter, mover me, it did not crush me. I did get a little emotional, as y'all know I often do when I read, but there was something missing that didn't make me completely lose it. Which was interesting since this is a five-star read. 

 Now I don't normally give my Amazon and Goodreads ratings, because that is not what is important. If you want to see what I rate books you can go to my Goodreads Page You can get detailed updates from a blog post that will be going up soon.

 Anyways, back to the serious business now. 

 Hunter moves next-door to Ellison James when he is nineteen yeas old. He is said to be a genius, but he has made some mistakes that show that he isn't always as smart as he can be.

 Ellison is a straight up bitch, I loved her instantly. She doesn't put up with half the dumb shit that Hunter does.

 This is a book about finding out the real values of life, what's really important to you, and struggling to get there. This book has family, and love, it has sex and drugs, it has real life.

 This book shows a lost boy finding a girl who changes his outlook on life. I can't tell you enough how much I enjoyed this book.

 I've been in a bit of a reading funk lately, I'm not reading as much as I should be, Because Of Ellison is one that really caught my attention. It is a book that drew me in with it's premise. It exceeded my expectations.

 I read a lot of romance, and while this is basically the same romance that I've been reading for years, I can feel that it was more, it had a few more layers to that. It also had some that weren't up to par.

 I don't like saying that I found some parts of a book unsatisfactory, especially in a book talk, I can;t recall that I ever pointed out a book's flaws before, because they haven't bothered me.

 Which is why I'm going to tell you I gave this a 5-star, even though I think some parts were a little flat. I didn't give it a 5-star unfairly or because I wanted to look good on Amazon or anything. But becasue this book deserves it. I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. That wasn't me. I'm brutally honest. Which is why I don't review books that I didn't enjoy. Because I'm not here to give books a bad name.

 While I loved the characters and felt their pain and the true struggles of what they were going through, not much happened. I felt like the time passed too fast for these characters, I didn't believe it. Really that was the only fault. I believe that the author could have shown more of the characters falling in love, before they actually did.

 I'm all for the whole 'insta-love' thing. I have read a few books where it works out really well, this isn't one of them. I think that the journey the characters took could have been that much more emotional for me if we had more time to see their connection grow. That's all I'm saying.

 Now that I feel better about my opinions of the book I can say that you should read this book. I understand that some of the things I pointed out are turn offs, but really the story is beautiful. It shows how we, as humans, can change, but only if we make the effort. Only if we love ourselves more than we love our materialistic things, only if we see things in a different light.

 That is the journey that Hunter takes with Ellison.

 *Quote- "You can't live life thinking you won't screw up every now and then. The mistakes are just as important as the successes. You wouldn't be who you are without both of them. So when those mistakes happen, it's good to have people around who can push you through them." -Henry James

               "It wasn't that Ellison could see the good or bad in people, it was that she saw the real in people." -Hunter

               "our lives are like books, Hunter. Each day is a new page-each year, a new chapter. Just like books, our lives end; but our stories...those are never forgotten. We live on in the hearts and thoughts of those who loved us." -Ellison 



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