Book Talk Review; A Thousand Lifetimes

Vampires plus the Evil Word Magician equals my favorite things ever

My name is Ezra Clarke, and I’m twenty-three.


If you’re counting in vampire years, I’m actually two-hundred and eight, and if living that long has taught me anything, it’s that nothing lasts forever. And that’s been fine. It’s… whatever. I’ve never wanted anything that long, anyway, which is why I’ve never taken a mate, but that all changed when I met Declan Byrne.

He’s young, handsome, and he doesn’t do what I tell him to. He smells like cinnamon and has eyes that remind me of the daytime sky. Every kiss we share feels like home, and no touch lasts long enough.

I need him to be mine.

And for the briefest moment he is, and life is perfect… and then it isn’t. Rogue vampires threaten to pull us apart, and complicated politics are painful reminders that a world exists beyond our privacy of our bedroom.

But if anyone thinks they can keep me away from Declan, they have another thing coming. My mate and I have a thousand lifetimes to live, and we’re just getting started.


What do you get when you add vampires and Kate Hawthrone's words? A brilliant book filled with broody vampires, his cinnamon roll of a mate, and lots of blood and cum at the same time. 

We all know how this works, Kate Hawthorne writes it and I read it. It's that simple. Then she goes and writes about vampires which are my favorite paranormal creature to read about and it's all over. 

Ezra is as broody as broody gets. He's spent his long life just going through the motions. He loves his family but is a little resentful of just how he was brought into the fold. And then there's the fact that they want things from him and for him that he doesn't want for himself. At least not in the way he should want it. 

Declan is the perfect balance for Ezra. He kind of just rolls with it all. He wanted Ezra and went after him. Once he got him he also got a little more than he was asking for. He could have resented Ezra for what happened to him. He could have asked for time and space to get used to the idea that his life had forever changed, but he didn't. He didn't just go with it, he embraced it. 

I love the idea of soulmates and that's what Ezra and Declan are. That doesn't mean their relationship is perfect. They have to learn each other, they have to figure out how to be together after just meeting, but they're able to work things out, not because of fate, but because they want to. Their connection only enhances it, it doesn't mean they have it all figured out right away. Ezra is broody and doesn't know what to do with a mate, and as easy going as Declan is about the whole thing, he still has a lot to learn about being a vampire. But they work it out together. Even when Ezra is being a broody, somewhat insecure mess, Declan is there for him and they make it work. While there's a lot of fucking, there's a lot of talking and understanding as well. They don't just rely on their connection to see them through. 

Since it's a vampire book you know there's going to be blood. Which I love. I don't enjoy any type of blood play unless it involves vampires, that's when I expect there to be all the blood. There's blood and cum and it's so good. You probably wouldn't think so, but you haven't read this book yet. Only the Evil Word Magician can make bloody sex hot. 

I really hope we get more books in this world. Not just for the bloody sex. But because I need to know how things work out for certain characters. Because this book isn't just about Ezra and Declan getting together and having amazingly messy, kinky, bloody sex. It also has rouge vampires who make a mess of things and there are characters who are impacted by them besides Ezra and Declan. 

For this being the first paranormal book from Kate Hawthorne I was impressed. Not because I didn't have faith in her ability, but because it was different from her usual. I had a feeling I was going to love it, but stranger things have happened, so I dove in and hoped for the best. Which was me basically underestimating her. I always need more of her words, but I would seriously be happy if she wrote nothing but vampires for forever. 

A Thousand Lifetimes isn't your typical Evil Word Magician book. It has vampires, blood and cum, and soulmates. It's also written in the first person, which is my preferred POV to read in. Basically, everything you associate with a Kate Hawthrone book is flipped on its head and it was executed brilliantly.


"It's unreal, the way it makes hope and want and happiness bloom inside a place that's sat vacant for two centuries." 

"He says I smell like home and, well, he feels like it." 

"I can hear his thoughts. I feel his feelings. I have memories that exist before he was born that include him, and I suddenly am met with the understanding this life is for more than I've known it to be." 

"I think I've been waiting for you." 


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