Book Talk Review; The Sweetest Thing

Nathan and Scotty are so cute

Scotty St. James has led a complicated life. He was once on the fast track to a career in professional sports but turned his back on a promising future to barge out of the closet in the most dramatic way possible. Now, he’s a hairdresser with a love of feminine fabrics, and a crush on his brother’s best friend, Nathan.

Nathan Blackburn is fleeing his over-protective mother. He’s glad to be back in the town he grew up in, even if he’s there to fix up his aging grandfather’s house. While visiting, he uses a hook up app and falls into bed with an alluring stranger. Only, the man he shares an incredible night with isn’t a stranger… it’s Scotty.

Despite the short-lived deception, Scotty and Nathan can’t stay away from each other. Fighting through family friction, personal responsibilities, and a limit on Nathan’s stay, their relationship turns into the sweetest thing either of them has ever known. With the clock running out and commitments rearing their head, Nathan will have to decide between fulfilling obligations, or following his heart.


This book may be the cutest I've read from E.M Denning. Nathan and Scotty are so sweet together. They managed to knock Everett and Xavier off the throne as my favorite Emo characters (don't tell X and E that). 

I love the idea of one night stands turning into something more. And E.M. Denning does it well. Not only that, but brother's best friend is a trope that I can read all day long. I don't know how she does it, but every single time she writes a book she somehow manages to write my favorite things and make them better. 

Scotty is adorable. He's fun and glittery and is probably one of the cutest characters I've ever read about. He loves feminine things and is still able to get Nathan under him, which I love. Because it against the stereotypical top and bottom. He's sporty but also wears lace better than some women. He's unapologetically him and I love it. 

Nathan is so good. He's protective of those he cares about. Is one of those types who jumps in feet first when someone needs help and is just a well-rounded good guy. He sees Scotty for who he is and wants him any way that he can get him. He's not perfect, he has his faults, but that's what makes him perfect. He learns from his faults after being told about them, he puts his foot down and shows that he's able to grow as a person, which is always a good thing and endears me to him that much more. 

I think this is the sweetest story I've read in a long time. But it wasn't too sweet. It had the right balance of dirty sex, crazy family, and two boys who were in love before they even realized they were in love. 

Nathan and Scotty kind of just fell into a relationship and it worked for them. They knew each other but didn't really know each other. They were able to relearn each other's personalities, while also having that familiarity of knowing each other from before. They were supportive of one another and just seemed to fit. Their relationship was easy and without unnecessary drama. It was a refreshing read.

One of the things I loved best about this book is Scotty's family. They were all so loving and supportive and just there for one another. Even though Tod, Scotty's brother, and Nathan's best friend, wasn't sure of their relationship at first, he wasn't too much of a jerk over it. His acceptance of them and their relationship allowed the book to keep its feel-good tone. 

The Sweetest Thing lives up to its name. From Nathan's fun and wise grandpa, to his adorable younger brother (who I need more of), to Scotty's lace, to a good yet misadventure date, it's a book that will leave you feeling all warm and squishy inside after reading. 


"Without meaning to, he'd let Nathan into the deepest parts of himself. He felt safe with Nathan, cherished." 

"He wanted to stay here and wrap his life around Scotty's. Entwine their existences together and spend a lifetime kissing him and hearing his laughter." 

"Scotty reached for Nathan, lacing their fingers together, like he'd done before, maybe not a thousand times, but enough to know he wanted it to be a thousand. A million. An infinite number of moments could be offered, and it would be inadequate. He needed Nathan to be his in all the ways, forever." 

"Somehow, Scotty had walked into Nathan's life and scrambled his circuits. He'd never felt so torn before because of wanting someone." 


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