Exclusive Excerpt; Moon Illusion


Series (name + # in series):

The Better to Kiss You With 3

Publisher: Interlude Press

Release Date (Print & Ebook):  March 22, 2018

Length (Print & Ebook): 210 pages / 51,000 words

Subgenre: Contemporary Romance: Paranormal, LGBT/Urban Fantasy

Author’s content warnings:
Moon Illusion by Michelle Osgood
  • Chapter 5: Graphic violence and an animal death during a dream sequence
  • Chapters 7-8: Gore
  • Chapter 16: Animal death
  • Chapters 18-20: Graphic violence during a dream sequence
  • Chapters 33-44: Domestic abuse, graphic violence, stalking
Additional Themes
  • Insomnia, paranoia, alcohol and marijuana use

Book blurb:
Nathan Roberts was just your average polyamorous librarian living in Vancouver until his best friend, Deanna started dating a werewolf. While hosting the small pack in his apartment while they hid from the underground network of Huntsmen, Nathan enjoyed a casual fling with Cole, the pack leader’s brother. But now, he may just be falling for him.

When his neighbor is murdered, Nathan is convinced the death is linked to the supernatural, but Cole and their friends deny any paranormal connection. This leads to a fracture of trust in their relationship, and Cole’s pack is left to deal with an unknown killer on the loose. As Nathan pursues answers on his own, he must come to terms with the truth, and his feelings for Cole.


His initial instinct had been to break in—no, not break in, to visit— Jag’s apartment on Sunday, but it had occurred to Nathan that most people had Sundays off and were likely to be in and out of their apartments all day. This was not the best time to enter one of those apartments through dubious means and unobserved.
So he’d readjusted his plans and Sunday night had emailed his boss to let her know that he wasn’t feeling well and probably wouldn’t be in on Monday.
He figured most people in his building worked a nine-to-five job the way he did. There were bound to be a few who worked from home, or did shift work like Cole, but Nathan spent a chunk of his Sunday trying to figure out what time of day his building was apt to be the most deserted and decided on two p.m.
Office workers would probably still be at the office. Given the hot, though still hazy, summer afternoon, people who worked from home were probably out enjoying the summer day or running errands. As for anyone else, Nathan would be quick.
He reached Jag’s floor and peeked through the stair door’s narrow window. The hallway was deserted. Nathan checked his watch: three minutes after two. He wanted to be in Jag’s apartment by two-fifteen at the latest so that he could get out of there by three-fifteen. He didn’t want make his way out of Jag’s apartment and back to his own when people started getting home from work.
Nathan let out a slow breath, trying to calm the nerves that made his palms slick with sweat. He hadn’t left room in his timeline for dawdling. It was now or never.
You got this, he told himself. He’d watched a million videos. He’d practiced for hours. He put more effort in learning how to pick a lock than he’d ever spent on piano lessons. You got this.
He approached Jag’s door, 408. If there’d been police tape across it, it had been taken down. In fact, nothing marked Jag’s door as being different than any other on this floor. Nathan wasn’t sure why he’d expected otherwise.
“You got this.” Nathan pulled his lock-picking tools from his pocket: a pair of Deanna’s bobby pins that he was always finding in his couch or in his bathroom, which he’d bent as the video showed him.
“Nathan, is that you?”
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About Michelle Osgood:

Michelle Osgood writes queer, feminist romance from her tiny apartment in Vancouver, BC. She loves stories in all media, especially those created by Shonda Rhimes, and dreams of one day owning a wine cellar to rival Olivia Pope’s. She is active in Vancouver’s poly and LGBTQ communities, never turns down a debate about pop culture, and is trying to learn how to cook. Her novels The Better to Kiss You With (2016) and Huntsmen (2017) were published by Interlude Press.

Connect with Michelle: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Goodreads

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