Release Blitz; Easy Sacrifice

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Title: Easy Sacrifice
Author: Anna Brooks
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 26

He was there when I needed him.

He showed up like some kind of hero and saved me.

I wanted him to stay, I wanted to get to know him… I wanted him.

But he always left without a word.

The last time I saw him, he was in the backseat of a police car for a murder that I committed.


She looks at me like I’m special.

She thinks I have something to offer her, but she’s wrong.

I don’t have anything more than street cred and my fists.

But for her, I’ll take the fall.

Even though I’ll never deserve her, I’ll sacrifice it all to make sure she can breathe easy, even if I suffocate in the process.

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About the Author
Anna began writing when she thought the world would want to hear her sick lyrics through song. Since then, she's realized her childhood dream wasn't so far-fetched, just misguided. Now she writes romance with real emotions and happy endings. If Anna isn't writing or reading, she can be found by a space heater drinking a ridiculous amount of Diet Dr Pepper. She also likes to hang out with her husband and two boys. If it wasn't for them, she wouldn't ever leave the house. Anna was born in Wisconsin but now lives in the Evergreen State.

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