Reease Blitz; Colton & Serena
Title: Colt & Serena: A Hysterics Companion Novella
Author: Kristen Hope Mazzola
Release Date: June 24, 2016

Gay-for-pay, it's not just a guy thing. I was knee deep in that seedy world for far too long. It was time, time to break away from that lifestyle and make something of myself that I could be proud of. Nothing else mattered once that tattoo gun was buzzing in my hand, that is until Colt - the guitar player from The Hysterics - waltz into the shop I was apprenticing for. He turned my world upside down and I wouldn't change a damn thing.

There was something utterly captivating about watching Serena pull her jeans off in the back seat of my 1974 Pontiac GTO. I barely let anyone into my car, let alone dreamed of potentially messing up the leather by having sex in it, but there was a first time for everything and if Serena wanted me this badly, I was not going to waste one second driving her back to my place.
With a fistful of her blonde hair, I pulled her down onto the seat so I could get on top of her. “You’re so beautiful.”
In the dimly lit car, I could barely make out all of her ink, but the mystery of her story was that much more intriguing. Shifting her a bit, I pulled her tank top over her head and slowly started to kiss down her collarbone. I wanted to enjoy every inch of her, taste her sweet skin, feel how much she longed for me. Goosebumps rose under my lips as she dug her nails into my shoulders.
“I want you inside me.” She moaned, but she was going to have to wait a minute for her wish to be granted.

You want to know more about me? Well, let’s see…
I am just an average twenty-something following my dreams. I have a full time “day job” and by night I am an author. I guess you could say that writing is like my super power (I always wanted one of those.) I am the lover of wine, sushi, football and the ocean; That is when I am not wrapped up in the literary world.
Please feel free to contact me to chat about my writing, books you think I’d like or just to shoot the, well you know.
A portion of all my profits are donated to The Marcie Mazzola Foundation.

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