Book Talk Kim Holden

 Kim Holden is the amazing author of All of it, and Bright Side.

 I've only read Bright Side, but it was an emotional book. One of the best I've ever read, but it ruined me. That book Ruined me. I'll tell y'all more in the Book Talk. Right now lets talk about Kim.

Some of my favorite things:

Reading (YA or New Adult), writing (especially on a productive day), the two coolest guys on the planet (my husband and son), my bicycle (hand built by my husband), Facebook (it’s an addiction at this point), iced coffee (hazelnut from McDonalds), and music (LOVE the 1975, Dredg, the xx, Haim, Teenage Bottlerocket, Manchester Orchestra, and 30 Seconds to Mars).

I also love dreaming. Big. Writing a few years ago was an elusive dream until I grabbed a hold of it with both hands and refused to let go. Keep following YOUR dreams …

Want more? Find me on Facebook or Goodreads.
 Find her on her website


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