Book Blast Strapped For Cash

Book Title: Strapped For Cash
Author: K.L. Hiers
Publisher: Stormy Night Publications
Cover Artist: Korey Mae Johnson
Genres: Contemporary BDSM MM Mafia Romance
Tropes: Co-workers to Lovers, Sex Before Love, Master and Slave, D/S
Themes: Betrayal and Revenge, Never Know Who Your Real Friends Are
Heat Rating: 5 flames
Length: 107 000 words/414 pages
It is a standalone book, but the author recommends the others since this is a prequel
Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited

“Don Luchesi is dead.”
“How?” Mickey blurted out.
“Murdered in his very own home,” Cold replied. “I have been waiting years for the old man to kill himself with a heart attack, but someone else decided to speed his demise along. Though I am grateful, this means that certain plans are going to be put into action much sooner than I expected.”
“The city,” Crybaby said, her eyes wide. “We’re takin’ it. We’re gonna do it.”
“Yes,” Cold confirmed. “With your help, my dear Gentlemen, the city is finally going to be ours.”
“Fuck yeah,” Jules cheered.
“Who killed the Don?” Duncan asked quietly.
“I do not know.” Cold seemed a little annoyed at that fact. “But that will actually end up working to our advantage.”
“Because if I don’t know, it means the Luchesis don’t know.” Cold leaned forward, his usually calm face lit up with excitement. “The most likely suspects are his three sons, Cristian, Luigi, and Matteo. The Don had yet to name an heir, and there will most certainly be a struggle for power.”
“The ring,” Mickey recalled. “He didn’t pass on that stupid ring.”
“Precisely,” Cold said. “Matteo was favored to take his father’s place, but his brothers are hungry for it, too. This also works to our advantage.”
“What do we do?” Crybaby asked eagerly. “Kill ‘em?”
“I appreciate the enthusiasm, but no,” Cold drawled. “They’re about to do their own killing, and we’re going to help them right along.” He looked to Mickey. “Do you remember when you were so kind as to discover Tony Luchesi’s nasty theft?”
“Yeah,” Mickey replied. “What about it?”
“Well, it turns out he was stealing that money to help fund Cristian’s future claim to the throne.” Cold pursed his lips. “Such a shame.”
“The bar... it was Luigi’s, wasn’t it?”
“Yes,” Cold confirmed. “Piece by piece, we’re going to turn the three brothers against one another. The family will split apart. Everyone will try to pick a side, and the three darling siblings will each be attempting to make the best case for themselves while valiantly trying to murder the others.”
“Chaos,” Alistair said with a knowing nod. “It’s going to be total and complete chaos.”
“You knew this was going to happen,” Mickey accused. “You knew the Don hadn’t picked an heir and was going to die without one.”
“I knew he was arrogant enough to think he wasn’t going to die anytime soon and foolish enough not to listen to his doctors,” Cold said. “The chances of him dying prematurely without settling his affairs was very likely. I had planned to use his death to propel our takeover of the city. I did not expect, however, for him to be murdered.”
“I call that a fuckin’ bonus.” Jules laughed. “Them stupid ass brothers are gonna be at each other’s fuckin’ throats thinkin’ one of them killed Daddy.”
“So.” Jerry perked up. “What is our first move, Monsieur Cold? What would you have us do?”
“Everything we need is right here under this roof,” Cold replied, offering a coy smile.
“You know we’re in a gay bar, right?” Duncan asked in a loud whisper.
“Yes.” Cold looked irritated. “There is a young man who works here at night as a dancer. He goes by the name ‘Galavant.’ He also washes dishes over at Ragazzi’s.”
“How is a dishwasher gonna help?”
“That restaurant is the Luchesi’s big honey pot,” Jules replied, eyeing Duncan until he cowered. “Galavant is our fuckin’ way in. Payroll for all the drugs, brothels, and illegal type businesses gets banked there.”
“How much?” Mickey asked.
“Millions,” Cold replied, looking very pleased with himself. “The Luchesis are arrogant enough to believe no one would dare steal from them. That arrogance is going to be their undoing. First, we take their money. Next, we’re going to take their drugs. The bouncer here, Reggie? His mother is a maid at one of the hotels the Luchesis run as a brothel. They use the basement there to prepare their product before distribution.”
“So, we’re gonna take their drugs?” Pym perked up.
Pym pouted and sank back down in his chair.
“We’re going to tip off the police to the location and allow them to have the glory of the biggest drug bust this city has ever seen. It’s a little gift to our friend Officer Carville for his very timely payments. He’ll look so fetching on the front page. Might even be chief one day. We’re also going to make sure the police’s anonymous source is identified as a member of the Luchesi family.”
“We take out the money, the drugs, okay, but what about the judges? All the politicians?” Crybaby frowned. “We don’t own any of them. We barely own any cops.”
“Never fear,” Cold soothed. “Once the blood starts filling the streets, they’ll come to us. They won’t have a choice. We’re going to be their safe harbor from the storm, you see. They won’t care who’s in charge as long as peace is established. And if not... well.” He smirked slyly. “I have other ways.”
“Okay.” Mickey grinned. “So, when do we start?”
“Soon. You, Jules, and our newest member will be going.” Cold waved to Alistair.
Alistair left his perch on the desk to open the door, gesturing for someone to come in.
Mickey turned to see who it was, and he couldn’t hide his shock.
That son of a bitch...
It was the crazy guy from the gas station.
“This is Roger Lorre,” Cold said. “He is a talented little thief and an expert safecracker. He will be accompanying you to Ragazzi’s. Say hello, Mr. Lorre.”
“Hello, boys,” Roger said, his eyes immediately focusing on Mickey. “Well, hi there. Long time, no see.”
Mickey gritted his teeth.
Cold glanced between them. “Am I to assume you’ve already met Mickey Tamerlane then?”
“Mickey, huh?” Roger grinned crookedly at him, whistling low. “Mm, and aren’t you just so fine.”
About the Author
K.L. “Kat” Hiers is an embalmer, restorative artist, and queer writer. Licensed in both funeral directing and funeral service, she worked in the death industry for nearly a decade. Her first love was always telling stories, and she has been writing for over twenty years, penning her very first book at just eight years old. Publishers generally do not accept manuscripts in Hello Kitty notebooks, however, but she never gave up.
Following the success of her first novel, Cold Hard Cash, she now enjoys writing professionally, focusing on spinning tales of sultry passion, exotic worlds, and emotional journeys. She loves attending horror movie conventions and indulging in cosplay of her favorite characters. She lives in Zebulon, NC, with her husband and their children, some of whom have paws and a few that only pretend to because they think it’s cute.
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