Release; Pretty Little Pieces


Title: Pretty Little Pieces 

Collection: Once Upon a Heartbreak Collection

Author: Sonya Jesus

Genre: Rewritten Fairy Tales

Release Date: June 29, 2021

I have everything my father thinks I want, except a life.

When you're the youngest daughter of a police chief and your mom was murdered by some wacko, there's not much freedom.

Hell, there's not much of anything.

No epic love stories, no embarrassing moments, no spark, no flutters, or grand gestures.

Only rules I desperately want to break.

And I want to break them all with Derrick Prince.

But belonging to his world means sacrificing pieces of myself.

And staying quiet isn't so easy when it becomes a matter of life or death.

This Little Mermaid contemporary Young Adult retelling is full of suspense and sweet coming-of-age first moments.

Romance with a Lethal Twist

Sonya’s a nerd—a cool nerd—who loves science, books, make-up and unicorns. She even has unicorn slippers and unicorn plushes adorn her office. It’s not obsession (or so she says), it’s simply an ode to her imaginative side.

She believes in fairytales and in the beautiful things a mind can conjure. She’s a firm believer of empowering the crazy fictional ideas, putting them down on paper (figurative paper because she’s not a fan of writing in notebooks), and letting them flourish into a story. Sometimes that story is about psychos and murders.

Don’t believe me? Ask her in any of her social media. She’s all about those connections.



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