Release; Royally Screwed


Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway: 

Royally Screwed by Lynn Van Dorn


Take one betrothal gone awry…

Prince Angelo is destined to marry Prince Yuri. Never mind that Angelo isn’t gay and didn’t choose to be saddled with a moony-eyed princeling who is determined to ruin Angelo’s life. Then one day Yuri goes too far and Angelo has to take matters into his own hands.

Add one doomed arranged marriage…

Prince Yuri is destined forever to pine after Prince Angelo. Arranged marriages are archaic and awful enough without being stuck for life with someone you want who will never, ever in a million years want you back. Still, for someone who claims to want nothing to do with Yuri, Angelo is surprisingly possessive.

And you just might get one unexpected romance.

Two men, thrown together by fate and scheming parents, shouldn’t have a prayer of finding a happy ever after. But fate can be fickle, and love can exist where you never thought it could.

Royally Screwed is a 75,000-word M/M novel featuring royalty, a poorly-thought-out betrothal, one prince in need of a firm hand, a second prince who isn’t as straight as he always thought, drunken texting, bickering, practice kissing, odious British nobility, and falling in love despite all the reasons why you shouldn’t.

Universal Link

Teaser 1

Excerpt; A Yuri & Angelo Chat

Yuri: you need to save me
Angelo: wtf, Yuri? I get radio silence from you for months and now I need to save you?
Yuri: not silence. But yes that
Angelo: practically silence. I think we’ve exchanged less than ten words since graduation. You haven’t texted
Yuri: I know and I am very bad and you must be the BETTER MAN and come save me. And then you can take it out of my hide. If you still want to. You probably don’t.
Angelo: I’d like to reach through the phone and strangle you. Save you from WHAT?
Yuri: the people keep flirting with me and I’m so weak and I’ll let one of the mens take me home and then the Daily Mail will print pictures and then they’ll ground me and I won’t get my PhD and then YOU won’t get to marry a doctor and that will suck.
Angelo: just how drunk are you?
Yuri: just little bit drunk tiny
Angelo: tiny what? Tiny dick?
Yuri: ha ha now come get me now there is this guy with his hand on my thigh Angel SAVE ME
Angelo: how? You’re in Oxford and I’m in the City. I’m pretty sure I won’t be in time to save your virtue. Such as it is. I'd need a time machine.
Yuri: arsehole and I’m in soho I think probably
Angelo: why the hell are you probably in Soho?
Yuri: Jackis fault
Angelo: go on
Angelo: where’s your security?
Yuri: ditched em
Angelo: fuck. Is Jacki still there?
Yuri: no she and gf abandoned me for REASONS
Angelo: what reasons
Angelo: where exactly are you? I can’t do any rescuing without coordinates. Are you in a pub?
Yuri: think so yes
Angelo: and the name of the pub?
Yuri: red lion
Angelo: is there one in Soho?
Yuri: maybe or could be kings head
Angelo: I hate you
Yuri: no you loooooooovvvvvvveeeee me 
Angelo: the fuck I do. 
Yuri: we’re getting married forever but not if you dont rescue me from mr octopus hands over here
Angelo: Go to Google maps. Take a fucking screenshot. Send me the fucking screenshot.
Yuri: kay dont yell
Angelo: try not to get violated while I’m on my way, you prat
Yuri: love you too boo

Teaser 2

Teaser 3


Enter the Giveaway:


To celebrate Lynn's release, we are giving away a $10 Amazon Gift card and a e-copy of Royally Screwed!
Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

Out Now

Untitled (1) (1) 

About the Author:

Lynn Van Dorn was born in Ohio and left it for the wilds of Chicago in her reckless youth. She wanted to become a fairy princess when she grew up, but since there are few openings for that position, she makes do with being a writer.

In her spare time, she drinks entirely too much tea, snugs her cats, loves her husband and son, reads voraciously, and avoids housework. She loves to watch anime, travel, knit, bake cookies, and conjure up happy every afters for handsome men who have trouble getting there on their own.

Connect with Lynn:



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