Book Talk Review; Reckless

Cameron is the best

Pursuing your best friend's dad is never a good idea, but Cameron Motel is feeling reckless. His life is about to change, and Luke is older, attractive...and he represents something Cameron has never had before.


Luke didn't mean to get involved with his son's best friend, but Cameron needed a strong hand and Luke was willing to deliver on his promises.

This thing between them is supposed to be a secret, but something as big as love can't stay hidden for long. Then a single phone call sends Cameron further away from home than he'd ever planned to go, and Luke's subconscious keeps him grounded in the past unable to move on.

Cameron is gone, and to get him back, Luke needs to do something big, something bold, something...reckless.


Kate Hawthorne has always sucked me in with her kinky stories and this book is no exception. Cameron and Luke are so well-written, I loved their relationship from the beginning, even when they made me cry. 

Cameron is a bit of a pushy brat, his mouth never stops and I fell in love with him right away. He's so young but he knows what he wants, which is Luke. He wants a family. His brothers are all so older than him and he's alone most of the time, he just wants to feel that someone loves him and really means it. He finds that in Luke, until his world comes crashing down around him. 

Luke is still broken from his husband leaving him and he's not expecting a whirlwind like Cameron to want him. He's unsure of having Cameron, which is understandable because Cameron is so much younger than Luke, but when Luke gets his act together it works. Luke gives Cameron almost everything he needs (there's a reason I cried y'all). 

Luke and Cameron are so good together, once they figure out how to be together that is. Cameron is so young and his experience shows. He's so eager to please, to be loved and cared for though he doesn't fully understand what being with Luke means at first. His naiveté is endearing and makes me love him that much more because he tries. He pushes and mouths off but he tries his best and that, in my opinion, is the most important thing. 

If you've read Unfettered then you've met four of Cameron's brothers already when Beau and Heath go visit them for Christmas. In that book one of them was gone, in this one, you get to meet them all of the Motel brothers. Some are more prolific than others and I cannot wait for their stories. Seeing how everything happened and how Cameron and his brothers end up in Cherry Creek is bittersweet, while their father was never much of a father to them, he still put stipulations on them that forced them together. Though hopefully, this is a good thing for all of them in the end. Not only for Cameron's own loneliness but for all of them. I won't spoil anything for y'all, but Cameron isn't the only one hurting from a life of neglect, he's just the one we first get to see. 

I did not expect this book to make me cry. Yes, Cameron's loneliness made me tear up a few times. It was so easy to see that he just wanted love and his brothers, while they cared for him, had their own lives to live. And he never told them how bad it really was for him. Then he has Luke. Until he doesn't. I was hoping that the Evil Word Magician would take a different path for them, but no, she just had to rip my heart into pieces before doing what I wanted. 

I'm excited to see where this series takes us. I want the Motel brothers to realize their mistakes and patch their family back together, which means I want to see more Beau. I am already excited about the next book in the series because there were so many hints dropped and I need it in my hands even though I just finished book one. I have a feeling that the next book is going to be explosive


"Luke exhaled and whispered the truth against Cameron's lips; a truth that Luke already knew would leave his heart in ruins before all was said and done. 'Nothing has ever felt better.'"

"Cameron was bold and brave, and every time he knelt at Luke's feet, he took one step closer to finding himself, Luke could see the self-awareness spark in Cameron's smile every time he folded himself across Luke's lap, ever time he came after being given permission, ever time he murmured Luke's name."

"The scales inside of him shifted and Cameron slipped from feeling nothing to feeling everything. The weight of Luke's love settled on his shoulders, and Cameron fell to his knees. He didn't understand how in this moment, Luke's dedication to him had become a tangible thing, but this was what he'd quietly wanted. What he'd asked for. This was something he could take with him."

"Luke gave gun exactly what he needed because Cameron had been right about him all along. Luke knew him. Luke understood him. Luke made a safe space for him to have this moment where he could be strong enough to be weak, where his fear and anguish could be wiped away with the strike of Luke's belt."  


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