Book Talk Review: Humbled

Hands down one of my favorite books of the year If I were the kind of man who carved actual notches into my bedpost for every new partner who landed between my sheets, I wouldn’t have a bed left to show for it. GRAYSON I know my way around the bedroom and the playroom, so I should have known that flirting with my older--and dominant--boss was a recipe for disaster. But by the time I realize I'm in over my head with the disgustingly rich and perfectly commanding Robert McAvoy, it's too late to turn back. I want him and I crave the way he makes me feel, even if it's confusing and threatens everything about the life I've built for myself. I'm not a submissive. I'm not meek and I'm not mild, but when Rob is around it's easy to see the appeal in all of those things. * * * Flirting with Grayson was a bad idea from the start, but I've never been the kind of man to shy away from a challenge. ROB He's frustrating, but he's brilliant. He's defensi...